$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: coverage


A spread's coverage [cover-patch identity]* :== the twistorspace posture (knot🪢 formation) for statistically graphing a [supersymmetric] zone on(to) some pitch (ie. fibor-bundling a set of BIG + SMALL branes). Since there are 100 different covers (0-99) that can be patched 26 different ways (a-z), there exists a total of 2,600 discrete coverages.** An example would be something like [(cover-34,patch.g) = coverage 34g].

As cryptographic shape schemes [puzzles🧩], coverages are fundamentally combinatorial; spanning the entire range of branes(SMALL + BIG). A coverage can be (strategically) both preventive and responsive. (see #coverage, toonlight, 🔋e:e statistics, patchwork, cassette, Honne Bay🪱)