$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: Paul Allen ... still computing (dedication)

Paul Allen ... still computing (dedication)

Personal computing legend and software icon, Paul Allen, left us, but his work lives on.

I came up in the industry hearing loud whispers of the Microsoft story. Two very young men who were childhood friends from Seattle leave exceptional academic programs to build what at one point was the most successful company in the world (and still to this day, one of the most valuable technology companies on the market. Stock prices as of October 15, 2018 closed at $107.60💹). That always spoke to me, telling me that with smart investments, good timing, and strong work ethic, America is a country (perhaps the only one) where if you really want to, just about anyone can achieve what they set out to do.

A favorite quote of his (head over to my quotes blog, if that kind of thing interests you) comes from the book, 📖Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry--and Made Himself the Richest Man in America, where he tried unsuccessfully (or successfully, depending on how you look at it) to prep a seventeen years-old Bill Gates on college life as an incoming freshman at Harvard. He says something to the effect of, "You know, Bill, you're going to meet people who are smarter than you (at Harvard).". To which Gates replied, "Smarter than me? No way, no way!". Those words stuck with me. I think it's because Bill refused to believe it, and decided that he wasn't going to let himself fail at the hands of someone else. He was all for taking control of his own destiny. (One bit of trivia: Paul Allen scored a perfect 1600 on his SAT, while Bill Gates got a 1590.)

Even though he left day-to-day operations at Microsoft for health and personal reasons in 1983, he helped lay down a company culture that defined an industry, change the world, and ultimately, helped people. I also respect what Paul Allen did with his extracurriculars. He was the owner of the Portland Trailblazers (NBA), Seattle Seahawks (NFL), and the Seattle Sounders FC (MLS). As a sports fanatic and Pacific Northwest (Montana) resident, I appreciate that bit of recreational lifestyle he nourished for the region.

Thank you, Paul.

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