$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: #Easteropera mixtape #1 - Eden's Cobby

#Easteropera mixtape #1 - Eden's Cobby

Easter's overture is told in a series of stories called mixtapes, which are a chronology of separate non-principal (motion) pictures that comprise Day 0 of the opera's first act, and may or may not have anything to do with the definition in the popular sense of the word. Whereas the opera itself is recorded with a virtual camera system (vcs), the mixtapes have no such photographic requirement. With each mixtape, we are following a certain character in singular form, offering up small tidbits of information related to the overall story arc.


This following verse is one of a number of preliminary scenes for the character 'Socks'.

In the case of 'Socks', he is ultimately responsible for the murder of Felix Yota, a public accountant working for the City. That angle is critical as to why the District Attorney in the opera decides to campaign for public office in the manner that she does. The following mixtapes provide a first-look lede into said activity.

'Socks' is the streetname given to an understudy gangster serving in the illegitimate business of 'Theo/Roscoe' throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a Black male in his early-twenties in age. His chosen nickname comes from the irony that he (proudly) does not wear socks with his everyday attire.

These days, he has just gotten news from his girlfriend that they are to be expecting their second child, another daughter, in the coming months. Although he is usually a reliable companyman, he always resorts to / relies on his instinct and selfish ways in his business dealings, which makes him an untrustworthy person to a large degree.

He has been under the employ of Roscoe for approximately two (2) years, and has risen to the rank of lieutenant within the kingpin's organization. Keeping in mind that he only got into the drug game to make money and not friends, he prioritizes his life in such a way that his lifestyle comes first, then family, and maybe other extracurriculars down the line. In that order. Now with an expanding family, Socks wants out of the game completely; his plan is to do a few more jobs, collect his money, gather his family and then vanish.

A careless individual, he makes his living being 'that guy' who gets the dirty stuff done. He is not a nice person, having probably murdered 12-15 people in cold blood since being employed by the organization. We're learning now that he is also a thief. If he is to be successful in executing his escape plan, he’ll have to control his impulses, and also watch is back.

- Scene 1 {Eden's Cobby} -

[characters: Socks, Foot Soldier, d0x]
-- Socks is alone, seated in a quiet place outside somewhere in the innercity. It is around mid-morning and he appears to be waiting for someone. It looks as if he is smoking a narcotic, but this could just as likely be tobacco cigarette. Someone approaches him from a short distance and they begin to converse. --

Foot Soldier: Uh.. Socks?
Socks: (looking up but not making direct eye contact) …Yeah.
Foot Soldier: I'm supposed to meet you -- (cut off)
Socks: -- What's your password?
Foot Soldier: 'zakee'.
Socks: Alright.
Foot Soldier: (reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bulky packaged envelope) Well, here it is. (he then starts to toss it before stepping closer to Socks and handing it to him instead) It's all there.
Socks: (nods)
Foot Soldier: I thought there were two (2) of you here?
Socks: That's right.
Foot Soldier: Where's the other -- (cut off)
Socks: The way this works is you deliver your bulk, and then pick up mine. (still puffing, he then points to a car at a distance) .. the black car over there.
Foot Soldier: Sario wants triple the manpower next time we have to make another move like this.
Socks: (making direct eye contact) I don't give a fuck about what Sario wants!
Foot Soldier: Tell that shit to Roscoe.
Socks: (chuckles)
Foot Soldier: Sario's concerned about Roz's call to axe that family last week without notice.
Socks: It wasn't Roscoe's call. He knew a little too much, .. our names, faces. (litters by flicking the butt of what he was puffing on)
Foot Soldier: Execution-style? Man, if that was you, somebody's got to let us know because Sario's the connect for that side of Olney.
Socks: Somebody did just let you know.
Foot Soldier: You work alone?
Socks: (pulls gun from under jacket and places it on bench next to him) Nope. Like I said, there are two of us.
Foot Soldier: Okay. (short pause) Looks like we're finished here. (begins to walk from where he came) Behind the back tire, right?
Socks: Yeah.

The Foot Soldier makes it to the car parked about seventy (70) yards away. Just as he searches for the suspected package in question, he is shot from behind. Minutes later, Socks makes a call to d0x, the organization’s technician and business intelligence, presumably to inform him of the ongoings. The actual meeting took place at 9:00am local time, but Socks told his superiors that it was scheduled for 9:30am.

Socks: (leaning on the side of his car after putting the wounded body of the Foot Soldier in the trunk) Hey, they never showed.
d0x: What?!
Socks: I've been here for like five (5) minutes. This was only supposed to be a one-minute deal. These people are making me nervous, man. I don't even know if we can trust this Mario motherfucker!
d0x: Hm. This is twice this month.
Socks: Did you give him the right place?
d0x: Yes! Coordinates back in Cobbs Creek, like we said.
Socks: Well, the motherfucker ain't here! This could be some sort of an ambush or something. I'm moving out.
d0x: Meet at the barbershop on 38th & Lansdowne.
Socks: Bet. I'm going to grab something to eat. I'll be there in twenty (20).
d0x: Make it ten (10).

Socks closes the call, opens his driver-side door, gets in the car, and drives off. We are to believe that he killed the Foot Soldier, placed his dead body in the trunk, and has stolen the loot.

- End Scene 1 {Eden's Cobby} -

(see also #Easteropera mixtape #2)


  1. Let's go at this script first with some concept art, then we can work on maps. Note, though, that this is filmed with a single camera (mobile phone). Lite work overall.

    1. It has been suggested that the (dead) body of the Foot Soldier not lie in the back of a trunk, but instead just lay to rot in the woods (ie. left for dead never to be discovered). The issue with this is that more questions than answers arise when and if the body were to be discovered by authorities or just a passer-by (and then authorities). Even though Socks is cavalier, he's not stupid.

  2. If it matters, the '0' in 'Day 0' can be taken as the letter 'o' (for 'overture'), effectively making the set of mixtapes (plus Ric Flair's bit) the entire overture.

  3. I met some guy (Guannie Guan) on the street the other day that wanted me to visit his DatPiff page. He has some urban-styled mixtapes (just like everybody else on that site) that may be of interest to publishers here. Note that the outro to each scene should be some fading hip-hop music. <-- Those compositions I'm leaving wide-open to suggestion because I don't want to insult the genre with my (maybe poor) interpretation.

    1. correction: his name was "Gwannie Gwan" (with a 'w').

    2. If you are considered adding music (original scores only, please), reach out to the team on: /2017/08/easter.html#music.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Alex/Young Lae (who portrays the Foot Soldier) suggested making Socks and the Foot Soldier brothers, which would render Socks even more ruthless. But I declined for this scene. What I did agree to is to have some of Alex's music be featured in the outro.

    5. Or..., maybe, after further consideration, the Theo/Socks sibling angle is a good idea. That would require that Socks be made 4-5 years younger. -check
