$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: polym@th
Showing posts with label polym@th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polym@th. Show all posts

/how polym@th works here

There are some/other [massively] collaborative👥 domains across the WWW that are geared towards doing mathematics+computation innovation (what has been referred to as 'polym@th') in one (1) or more logs. I'm too lazy🤥 to pinpoint each one for this note, so I'll go ahead and make this portal/webpage (tree-dependence is negotiable) yet another place* for low-technology idea incubation.My aim is to make this the hub for such activity.

I should start by mentioning that just having a messaging💬 system is sufficient, but that can invite trouble when careless.🤢 To that end, please stay on-topic (pure/applied/recreational math-related); portions that are inadmissible face revocation👎🏿. All polym@th sourcings (hints, compiles, proofs, etc.) are tagged📎 under #polym@th (as opposed to #juking or #polymath), so any @replies from me (@Lnq) that are addressed to (specific members from) the community (ie. readers, etc.) will be placed in the post header. Pages are MathML-enabled, but the kicker is that, since I detest LaTeX!😖, such scripting (it might not parse, anyhow) in that syntax (rather, try to avoid Greek/Latin symbols wherever possible unless essential) is muted; points should be illustrated with (annotated) models [I favor 🖌Paint 3D/Builder at the moment, usually in tandem with a spreadsheet - but other 3d modelers should work as long as the file system🗃 is compatible]. Considering that we are iterating, sketches/pictures move the chain along much faster, anyways.😜That's just to say that I don't care for the coding element (MathJax noticeably slows load times); inherent math symbols in word processors are fine as long as they render.
Lastly, pay attention! Since things are organic and move at the speed of thought💭 here, you can expect a very large number of public domain threads. And yes👍🏿, posts may be bounced around between (third-party) forums.
