$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: twistor


In a folding scenario, the twistor (u,u) :== a complex transform* of STU solved from stew choreography.** Defined by a tight (≤ handicap) walk.

Twistors are derivatives of unique plays embedded in twistorspace that are hedged from tablature. Statistically, twistors act as complexity catalysts and can have negative (vacuum) or non-negative (bubble) potential.

Let (u,u) be any two (2) leaves sequenced for stewcing. A twistor is an operator that associates a stewcable dyad (egg,epp) in a finite field with curvature which is coded to eventually become a zero-bubble. Twistors are measured with ¢ent🪙 values that are typically small (ie. frets).
/// All twistors are assumed to be fit. We stewc (hedge) in order to identify those folds which are ideal/most fit.
Function map: stew choreographytwistor