Showing posts with label 305. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 305. Show all posts
Aegypt, de facto leader of GO[description:= Black male, late-40s/// character:= a charismatic, military-trained street philosopher who has nothing but honest intentions for his followers, unfortunately, city politics sees him as a terrorist and looks to do away with what he is building]
Ellis, a sleazy business executive and key member of Lily's pod[description:= White male, 35-45 years /// character:= team business analyst / econ whiz, nearly completely misreads how he comes across to others thus becoming unintentional comic relief, gateway drug
concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images
, a late-life bloomer who schmoozes his way into opportunities yet is undeniably good at what he does]
concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images

Lily, daughter of Pascha[description:= λ White female, 40-42 years /// character:= single mother of (adopted) twin preschoolers, Antoney and Isabell Ndongo, on the cusp of 'finding' herself, an intelligence operative (= technical admin. + government liason) employed as a close business associate of Maundy, cutthroat, licentious, very calculated, fast-paced
concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images

who - as team lead (pod = Lily, Gruber, Ellis) - is just as invested as her boss in making sure the company is in a secure
position, super stressed, sides with her mother in despising her dad but would be unsure why if she did some self-introspection, clinically diagnosed with anxiety disorder and manic depression] concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images

🐇Bunny, understudy of Pascha[description:= White female, early-30s years, thicc build (5'6'', 150lbs.-- must really be able to "squeeze in them jeans"), strong features of her Greek/Mediterranean heritage (dark hair/eyes) /// character := on loan to the CGIS-Brandywine from NCIS-Quantico, she looks nice but she's not nice, comfortable with Negroes and their culture yet bigoted at her core, imposing and intimidating, sapiosexual, sly, bold, opportunistic, a cold and conniving dyke with a weird masculine-to-feminine quotient (60/40)]
concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images

"They ask us to be rational in an irrational world. That kind of tension inevitably creates a spark. Surely, you can understand. " - Bunny
concept artwork is bing ai-generated, these are not prod. images

/stewc tax as universal basic income
There is considerable chatter about a universal basic income (ubi) both here in the United States and abroad. The argument is probably amplified in smaller economies, but there are some interesting points (from a financial perspective) that I'd like to discuss (and compare with the notion of compliance) in this article.
First of all, a waxed-over definition: the ubi is a bit of socialism, where some government distributes a fixed amount of money to persons (citizens) for a set period of time, regardless of their current economic status (ie. cash on-hand, employment, etc.). What is not known (only evaluated) by the government are the intentions and use cases of the resources by its recipients.
First of all, a waxed-over definition: the ubi is a bit of socialism, where some government distributes a fixed amount of money to persons (citizens) for a set period of time, regardless of their current economic status (ie. cash on-hand, employment, etc.). What is not known (only evaluated) by the government are the intentions and use cases of the resources by its recipients.
🧑🏿lnq's 305 :== the collection of his in-progress/unfinished (but not sisyphean) works*. It is aptly titled '305' because that is the preferred maximum number of items he allows at any one (1) point in the queue (also, d8 = March 5, or 3/05).** Largely, a swath of
/// +The phrase "305" (as in, "305 that." or "That piece was 305ed.") means to dump unfinished work into an active work container.🤓
+Keep in mind that once items are completed, they are removed from the
+Ironically, this page itself is not #305.
and compositions on his 'to-do' list. (see The March 5, Catalog of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, +list) 
+Keep in mind that once items are completed, they are removed from the
(ie. they are no longer code: #305
).+Ironically, this page itself is not #305.