$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: the catalog of Link Starbureiy

the catalog of Link Starbureiy

by age denotes rookie season
+12 (March 5) - created Egglepple (portfolio of my own toys [puzzles])

I got my start as a toy designer, designing puzzles. These were (what I consider) elementary in nature (mazes and stuff), but gradually became more sophisticated as my interests spanned the gamut of creative arts and recreational mathematics. I always mention my sixth grade teacher in relaying this origin story because it was on his recommendation that I gather(ed) my works (hence, the beginnings of a 'portfolio') to have something to show art departments when I was ready. As his pupil, I was also given a battery of mathematics tests to take (early-on and throughout) to gauge my aptitude. I learned more in that one (1) schoolyear with him than I did at any other point in my entire academic career (and I admittedly lost interest shortly thereafter). Without a doubt, he was probably the single most instrumental person in my overall scholastic development. Sometimes I joke that I'm walking around with a sixth grade education.😉

+17 - founded LSN (went pro)
+18 - premiere of Robot (play)
+19 - The Origamic Symphpony; invented EGP keynote [krc 0.01] (← established the discipline of juking)
+20 - drafted Stewart (developii)
+21 - registered world's first recreational mathematics enterprise, The Egglepple Company
+25 - hypothesized Quantumquotient (/Juke Lemma), jukebox release candidate 0.1
+26 - Joey Koala🐨 [appropriation of yots (orchestra)], debut of Egglepple: The Mathemagical World
+28 - Magic Summer, The Mathemagical Society
+29 - kernel release candidate 1.0, UUelcome (ack payload/fugue) formulation and contract entry
+30 - launched UUelcome (recital) [s.1], prototyped UUallet (concerto build 1:=non-automated)
+32 - started UUhistlegrass as a mathematics periodical
+34 - properly devised/outlined BOT
+36 - RE+ER
+38 - Easter (opera), Strings@50

+Starbureiy is the instigator+namesake of the Starbureiy statistic, Starbureiy Toy, and 8 Jersey. (see also +list, treble, mathletics)

(see also 305, toonage, lnq's Starting Five, developus, UUhistlegrass, +list)