$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: ed
Showing posts with label ed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ed. Show all posts

/ed is live and ready to go!

My MOOC, ed, is about as done as I would like for now (shout-out to Maddie for modeling for me☺️). Certain things will need to be fully automated (ie. seamless OneNote,YouTube integration instead of just code embedding), but that won't happen until the next phase of the program. I'll continue to improve it over time, but improvements will be based on feedback. So, use it, complain, and we'll grow it together.

Happy schooling🍎! → ed.uuelco.me

/'ed' is open/live and looking for tutors

The ed app is up-and-running. It seems desolate at the moment... because it is. The pages need intermediation (tutors and students) so we can kickstart this thing. If you're interested in tutoring, read the syllabi carefully. Remember that each sheet (chemistry, math, physics) is a live document in its own right; meaning that it is editable and self-contains a page history.

Ready. Set. Learn.

/Apple Dapple redux

Apple Dapple / ed logo

In 2014, I unveiled an independent 'numeracy complement to Reading Rainbow's literacy initiative' (and to a smaller extent, Mr. Wizard) called Apple Dapple. It was an app (supposedly, when apps were the big news) that lived inside a user's mobile device. Again, this was designed to be a mathematics pedagogical twin for Reading Rainbow's contemporary makeover (with career-based 'field trips' and everything). Back then I was asking for a substantial sum of money ($2million) to deliver the app to secondary schools across America (@ $10,000 per school district adoption, just like with Reading Rainbow).


Looking back, I can see that it addressed a compulsory pedagogy need that was kind of already being met on public television outlets, as well as with various websites. The supplement was framed juvenily, because it was, well.. an activity meant for kids (gradeschoolers). My effort back then centered around exploiting a study (factoid) that correlated the effectiveness of teaching mathematics (ie. quantitative comprehension) in two stages: ages 8-11 (understanding shapes in relation to movement) and 16-17 (application of equations). Apple Dapple had been readied to bridge that gap.

Well, that was years ago. The app went into hibernation, ..and some other stuff. Now, I've learned a few things here and there about educational marketing (education is the biggest market in the world, especially when it's free), network advertising (ie. renting ad space), and streaming. I'm giving Apple Dapple another go (this time sans docent April Appleberry in the feature slot, for now, and with a new parent name - 'ed'*). It's been re-branded from a pure origami (ie. convertible geometries) platform (the lessons involved using paper-folding to understand trigonometric principles), into a standardized credentialing service (including certifications preparation+training) platform tailored to adult learners (andragogy) that will sit under my 'edUUe ("ed")' banner. Video🎞 content will be hyperlinked back-and-forth from a YouTube playlist and/or livestream (@LinkStarbureiy [
]). A student/teacher/coach helpdesk may utilize Google Classroom (get a Google Account if you don't already have one). There is still an abundance of attention placed on the progress and wellness of an individual, who in turn and without restriction, is able to advance at their own pace. Oh, yeah, the logo stays.🙂

Typically, in today's over-zealous world of timely product launches, people always emphasize how "excited" they are. As any educator can attest, curriculum planning is hard work, pupils can be rambunctious, and the pay could be better; hardly anything to get too "excited" about. But, I like to win.'ed' is the short form of 'edu'. Since the jukebox is named 'UUe', I thought about branding it 'UUedu', but there already exists a domain (uu.edu) that points to a real university, so that was out. I then tried 'edUUe' (and it did sound cool voicing the spelling) before truncating it to just 'ed'.

Note (+): I do not proctor exams.

Realizing that there is lots of competition out there in the vocational training space, I'm "curious" to see what kind of a dent I can make this time around. Nothing will be sold. I promised myself that I wouldn't overtax anybody trying to be super-innovative here. -- That's not to say that you can't count on machine learning being a huge factor in threading submitted queries. -- I simply want to see how far libre test preparation - mainly for STEM development / bug bounty programs / mathletics - can go if people know where to look (free or not, an education should pay off). That said, if you want to help out, donate some of your time and/or money. Thanks.


Wish me luck.

/advancing the Millennium Prize Problems with Apple Dapple

It appears as though there hasn't been any real progress on Yang-Mills (mass gap) in over a decade (since 2004).  This problem, as well as the other five (5) [unresolved] problems known collectively as the Millenium Prize Problems (Clay), offer a reward of $1million for a solution that stands after two (2) years of scrutiny.  I imagine part of the bearing is that there is so much other fun stuff to work on in applied math, that pure math doesn't get the attention that it deserves.

I wonder what would happen if and when the bounty (or a percentage thereof) is matched and participants are actually given a deadline (?).  This is to say that if enough monies were raised with specific goals, would a crowdfund be the vehicle to expedite progress?  Only one way to find out; I'm initiating a crowdfunding campaign. .. but not for the Millennium Problems.  Instead, I want to focus on my large-scale education initiative, Apple Dapple.

We're looking to raise money and awareness for this on many different fronts, but the pot always boils down to the product, which, in this case, is an investment in the next generation.  We turn to the mathematics community to help sponsor either an individual (pupil) or a school district with the app that is to debut later this year.  So, in order to accomplish this, we'll game the MPP (i.e., put each Problem on an l-string and solve for the variables) full speed ahead.

Beginning February 2015, each Millennium Problem will be given fifty (50) days (approximately seven weeks) of attention, per. Although it is possible to have all of the Problems tackled simultaneously, only one (1) is reported at the end of a work period. This will happen in succession throughout calendar year 2015.

As stated, each Prize is offered at an award of $1million. We seek one-percent (1%) of that total amount.

[($1million x 0.01) x 6 = $60,000)]

This should be enough to supply six (6) school districts with the app.  Any surplus will also be factored.


Our aim here will be to standardize all elements of the remaining six (6) Millennium Prize Problems offered on behalf of the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI).  These problems present their own subset(s) of potential applications to various string theoretic and computational geometry solutions. Each Problem has - over the years - had subtantial work done on it already, so there is no need to start from scratch. Instead, they can be gamed; a technique that should provide radical insight into what exactly needs to be computed. From there, it's just a matter of patchwork.  Of course, these solutions/standards will be added to the Trust as part of the UUe curriculum.


All solutions are to be published on the UUelcome Matte (ISSN 2165-6738) and archived with the Library of Congress.


/Apple Dapple for public school systems

//This is part of a pitch made specifically to Hillsborough County Public Schools (SDHC)

/teaching assistance

This very well could be called 'teaching assistants'. ;)

There will be a standard-form course available for Apple Dapple on Udemy, but I also want to get and give feedback for the UUe curriculum right here in UUhistlegrass.

The first edition of Apple Dapple (to be issued June 2015) will have eight (8) modules in a basic-to-advanced origami practicum.  I want to use this area (#UUedu, UUhistlegrass%AppleDapple) as a forum as a telling of exactly what topics you want covered in later editions of the origami set (even help with the first edition may be useful).


/sponsor Apple Dapple

Help kick-off the 2015-2016 academic schoolyear by sponsoring the Apple Dapple app with a donation.


/Apple Dapple crowdfund

An app deserves a webpage.

The webpage for the Apple Dapple app crowdfund is homebrew and can be found at:
http://ed.uuelco.me (note: the subdomain may revert to pointing to the UUelcome Matte later on).

/an Apple Dapple app?

With my recent sign-up on Udemy, I'm wondering if there is a market for an app for Apple Dapple (?).

The Udemy site just offers courseware in the form of video, but there may be a need for lite-weight version of the Stewdio geared just towards classroom settings (I keep going back-and-forth with this, and I'm not sure why).

Let's take a look at the postcards from Opus MAD:
You can see that the main point of the app is to generate interest in school districts.  I can't rely on one new site to deliver that at this time (although a good thing is that the next school year cycle won't begin until Summer 2015, so it's fair to anticipate a trajectory in its user base).  It would seem like a supplement is actually requisite.

The education market is the biggest market in the world, especially when it's at fair-cost.  One has to be committed long-term I think to make a substantial impact.

/Apple Dapple morphs into UUelcome Matte

So, Apple Dapple, having the reverent and hackneyed title that it does, needed to be re-thought.

I've had UUelcome Matte (ISSN 2165-6738) since it first debuted in 2011, and 'Apple Dapple' in the same year, so an overlap at some point seemed inevitable.  That had me thinking, why not incorporate elements of one (Apple Dapple) into the other?  And that's what I did.  'Apple Dapple' is now part of 'UUelcome Matte'.

But what does this mean?

Before, UUelcome Matte was strictly a journal of scholarship.  Now, it's both a journal AND certifications outliner.  This makes it entirely academic, and profitable in the long run.

The (UUelcome Matte) logo is left unchanged.

As for the hostess/mascot April Appleberry, she'll still be around in a capacity as teacher (same role).  Apple Dapple will be her favorite pastry, and she'll only treat her best students to the delectable. ;)

/Starbureiy certification

A Starbureiy certificate ("Starbureiy certified") is bestowed upon an individual or institution once they have satisfied a specific cryptographic key (ie. courseware(s) completion). (see also ed, +list)


A gymnasium, or gym :== local installation of some fitness (stewcing exercises) space with one or more laboratories.


informatics engineering actuarial

Syllabus: The labs cover topics that may overlap each other (eg. statistics in SOA can be principally found in certain probabilistic instances of engineering exam samples). All of these tests assume some aptitude with linear algebra. Sessions are thorough, but you are invited to read the following suggested literature beforehand:
- IT: A+ Certification for Dummies (Mike Glenncross), CompTIA Security+ Study Guide (Chuck Easttom), Network Security Essentials (William Stallings), A+ All-In-One Certification Exam Guide (Mike Meyers)
- engineering: (see ABET curriculum textbooks for subjects, OSU capstone example)
- actuarial sciences: Actuarial Mathematics (Newton L. Bowers), Aspects of Risk Theory (Jan Grandell), Credit Risk Pricing Models: Theory and Practice (Bernd Schmid), Risk and Asset Allocation (Attilio Meucci), Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance (Mario V. Wüthrich)



Syllabus: The Society of Actuaries (SOA) administers ten exams for credentialing. Each demands that the solver abandon rote thinking, and make practical use of mathematical modeling.

The Society is offering two sample exams (P and FM) with solutions at no charge for candidate support if you are interested in seeing what you are up against.


Training involves ... for purposes of lowering one's st@t. (see also touch-and-go, gymnasium)



Syllabus: NCEES issues both the [FunE] Fundamentals of Engineering and Surveying, and the Principals and Practice of Engineering (+Structural I and II) exams. These are preliminary credentials needed to become a licensed engineer (U.S.). Exams range from 110 questions or more over a time period between 5hr 20min to 16 hours, and covers chemical, civil, electrical/computer, environmental, industrial/systems, mechanical, and naval architecture disciplines.

A strong background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry typically comprise ABET-accredited curricula.

/April Appleberry

April Appleberry is the mascot and docent of the Apple Dapple🍎 program (ed). Pedagogically, her role is to coach* using the artificial intelligence supplied by the ed.ie. prepare a candidate for credentialing.
/// The character is inspired, in part, by real-life kindergarten teacher, Sidney.


