house [:== host (currency generation entity with fiducial duties of merchant-vendor transaction)]
and impresario are the same. ** Comparable to piece progression in Chess♟️. By default, Black moves first (ie. makes the initial move [keyframe]), and White moves next (ie. begins the inbetweening). Black, having accepted some bid, follows this with a new move or strategy, as they both compete against the handicap🏁. Either color's terminal position is called "ellis". The notion(s) may also refer to which end of the string a juker (a random walker) chooses to draw: Black takes one endpoint, and White takes the other (merchant or vendor).
In tournament mode (juker versus juker), 🧑🏿lnq is Black [@] (OFFENSE A/DEFENSE B) and Honne Bay is White (DEFENSE A/OFFENSE B) [the positions can be switched, but this is usually - almost always - done by a player other than 🧑🏿lnq in scenarios where the impresario is included]. (see playoff)

belongs to 🧑🏿lnq because he controls
the house
, which itself is complexity-agnostic). So, all other jukers
(aside from Stewart) are White movers (White, being the 'complement', requires a signature
on all plays). This is all to say that I am juking
just about every opus/game
, as well.+As would be the case in turned-based
, moves
are inductive: n, n + 1, et cetera. Even though our games
are multiplayer
, they are of the two-gamer
type because 🧑🏿lnq is always at least one (1) of the jukers
, leaving the other juker
as a unit (comprised of either a singlet or a team). Obviously, 🧑🏿lnq plays as both Black and White in solitaire.