$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: opera
Showing posts with label opera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opera. Show all posts


As it pertains to stewcing, an opus [technically, "opus number", as some quotient (1/2028) of the Stewpot] or developus :== a finite stew choreographical instance resulting in a completed typeface mutation. Plainly, an opus is the computation (ie. encrypting STU on a discretized brane*, subjugating some thread) of some partition of Egglepple (ie. movement).** Cellular automata

Each new opus (an event [game]) will commence at the request [draw] of its ballet🩰, thereby instantiating a unique node (trunk) on Big-O Tree. Opus conclusion occurs when its 🧩puzzle is solved, and should validate a fibor, which is to be then readied for kernel registration.

Depending on its texture, an opus may be referred to as an opera@, operetta (diminutive), or opéra-ballet🩰 (ob).@@ Which is technically a kernel's logic path or operation (a walk involving non-impresarial decision-making).
/// Actually, an opus may overlap with, but is of a different genus than a developus.

An opus is a method of cataloging a stewc (much like with symphonies, operas, regular pieces, etc.). Publication assignment gives opus sets a maximum of six-hundred seventy-six (676) [corresponding to the alphabetical varietals of stew, (A-Z), in binary form]. For example^, a work may be published as "Opus AB, Number 14" (written as Opus AB.14), where "Number 14" - is the fourteenth iteration of the ballet🩰 performed on the loopstring➿, "AB" (its port - the letters of the start and stop leaves, respectively).^^ Default opus is #LS.35[64].

For all intents and purposes, opus titles say, "font size by font weight". Each iteration itself may also be nested (eg. "Opus AB, no.14c"). (see toonage, mixtape)
TOS /// Iterations are basically variations of pencil✏️ quantities, and by necessity, stew count. In nesting, we let p stand for 'pencil✏️', and s stand for 'stew'. The opus' title and number remain as is; they are established. The iteration only changes either the pencil✏️ or stew count. So, for example (purely meant to be hypothetical and unofficial), let Opus GU, No. 4 have a (830 x 4,116) tab. An iteration of this would be Opus GU, No. 4s2885, where the pencil✏️ count (830) is unchanged and the stew count has been reduced to 2,885. Or, we could have Opus GU, No.4p910, where the stew count (4,116) remains unchanged and the pencil✏️ count has increased to 910. Again, purely hypothetical.


development opus, or developus (or dev), :== a composition [opera] that is geared towards cell imitation so as for it to be totally compatible with Q♯🎶 by furthering extensibility of jukebox dependencies (responsive to orchestration). These are typically introduced to advance or re-purpose some macrocontract. (see oeuvre, #opera)
UUe /// The term 'developus' was coined by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓 Plural: developii
Function map: opus (ballet🩰) ⊆ opera ⊆ ... recital

/opera ludo

opera ludo* :== a genre of opera (and a descendant of opéra-ballet).** Ludo meaning 'game' or 'puzzle🧩'. It is classified as having a style based almost entirely on using games for its frame arrangement (particularly, the ludological and/or game theoretic mechanics of stewcing). (see developus, hash opera, gameshow, cryptosport)
/// Historically, the first opera of this kind is UUelcome, an offering from 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓


opera :== the program (of opus numbers) of a libretto. (see opus, developus, opera ludo, hash opera, #opéra-ballet🩰, ballet🩰, #libretto, γ-proof)
/// To me, an opera represents the 'flow of a proof'. It can also be a runtime. The works are purposed to layer codecs.

/hash opera

hash opera :== a type of opera whose program (score/libretto) is hashed (#) inductively [ie. stream* = batch of threads].** Continuity is assumed at inflection points.

Hashing ensures recycling of impressions generated by frame arrangement (ie. pay for itself). (For example Easter, see soap opera, opera ludo)
/// +'Hash opera' was both coined and invented by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy🤓, as an organic movement of his recital.
+Hash operas tend to be unusually long due to the fact that streaming rewards quantity (duration).

/list of operas by Link Starbureiy

- Stewart (1999)
- Stewart (2016)
- Easter (2017)
(see also +list, catalog of Link Starbureiy)