$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: meshroom
Showing posts with label meshroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meshroom. Show all posts


Cryptographically, a groove :== a dual-class (minor, major) noncommuted walk. [Compare melody. See groove (scheme)]


Formulator: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
mathemusic :== the functional conflation of brane classes defined as 'an incorporation of keys and timing to perturb a sinusoidal, whose resultant is a γ-proof'.

This tends more towards being a supermathematical exercise grounded in the principles of music theory. However, it is practically expressing (with libretti) statistics in the framework of 🎵music (even sans sonically). Cryptologically, it is the algorithmic direction of variation*.** Solutions have melodic texture.

When we speak of mathemusic, we are generally doing so in the context of The Origamic Symphony🎶/Egglepple. (see ballet🩰, opera, ¢ent🪙, joey, mathletics, 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, 3-rex, fibor, UUe, stewc notation, QQ)

"All I hear is mathematics. All I see is music." - lnq🧑🏿

/// Contemporary mathemusic was originally formulated by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy (its progenitor).🤓


Mycol FunguyTo meshroom🍄 (v.) is to graph The Origamic Symphony🎶 within stewc field [Q♯↦s].

It dictates that, because Egglepple is (ludologically) a p-brane* connecting the vector scale extrema, the notion of cell space algebras being conflated epimorphically within a curvilinear framework is important for defining variation (groovemelody).** In this case, 'p' stands for (my) 'portfolio'.😇

Meshrooming🍄 advances genetic algorithms [: fold measured (partite) monomers in order to deduce a mesh] for twistors by considering (visualizing) them as embedded datapoints on a neural network [nn] (ie. flavorsequencemesh). (also of interest: loopstring➿, Pink Poem, identity)
TOS /// Compositing is hypothesized to be accomplished under a single preimage.
Function map: s → pm [...eventual self-synthesis]

/Mycol Funguy