$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: pink
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts

/stube notation

stube notation (sn, rhetorically called a verse) :== the instrument-agnostic, language-independent, easy-to-decipher verbalization of some stewc assignment as meant for proof. In signing, the alphanumeric notation is essentially low-level symbolic "play code"*; an algorithm devised to instruct the jukebox on how, when, and what to type in stereo [stew choreography].** Referred to as a track (for tracing some token).

The Stewdio is the designated instrument for generating, reading, routing, and interpreting stube notation. (See hologram, c@$#tag, touch-and-go, γ-proof, thread, stewc field. Compare genetic code, musical notation)
/// Stube notation was devised by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓

/Stewc Lemma

Theorist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
Lemma: All phenomena* is stewcable.** Statistically-speaking, these are branes 0-25 simultaneously occupying the same quantum state of Egglepple.

The Lemma (as Q♭ logic) purports that the activity of stewcing (within the framework of a jukebox, namely UUelcome) is a most efficient attempt at satisfying the criterion for stereotyping STU.

Assuming scale-agnostic load modulation, it branches from the axiom that quantacommodization is /-root-authenticated/tolerated within stewc field [ring 0]. Being that stewcing is a non-terminating program, (shifting) kernel compliancy is sufficient Lemma resolution. (see QQ, Egglepple, everywhere!, string ludology, MONEY algorithm)
TOSUUe /// Efficiency is determined from the time complexity of stewcing. Twistorspace is curvilinear [sesquilinear], so it is implied that either approach (loop➰ or string) will eventually arrive at the same result (loopstring➿).
Function map: quantumquotientStewc LemmaPink PoemUUelcome


tutti ("all together") :== the recombination of all cryptographical kernel components [stereotypography, operation, integer asymptotics, and ludology (SOIL) hashes] into a signal. (see cassette)

Function map: tuttiUUhistlegrass

/Pink Poem [algorithm compile]

The Pink Poem :== classes of algorithms* that optimize stewcing ludology [ie. kernelized push movements (openingmiddlegameendgame)] for predicting Egglepple's imagery from its preimagery.** Calls+declarations for string improvisation.++Each poem (or 'pink') [a genetic algorithm / genetic algebra] is its own complete verse (ie. proof of the quantumquotient) leading to fibor closure🔒. (see 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, .uue, UUhistlegrass, touch-and-go, opera, patch, cassette🧱, QQ, MONEY algorithm)
UUe /// +It is called a "pink poem" just because 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy liked how that color [RGB:255,0,100] (I call it watermelon🍉) looked on the design of the UUelcome Matte (and for the matching letter p's😉).
+The Pink Poem is the recital (concert) program.
+Pinks share a common gameplay directive with link.

/string ludology

String ludology (commonly abbreviated SL), or "loopstring➿ theory" :== a formal attempt to game all possible twistor classes in mesh derivation per The Origamic Symphony🎶 (ie. extrapolate a playbook from superstring theory). Since γ-proofing is our objective, SL can be simplified to 'how to make ¢ents'.
TOS /// Conceptually, it is heterotic; borrowing from polypeptide folding mechanics, as well as from the mathematics of so-called string theory.

SL assumes that the foundation of any game (and stewcing in general) is based on a randomly coiled curvilinear path [string] which is subject to specific ludological constraints; namely that it is lyrically bound. (compare string theory)


In stewcing, improvisation :== the use of stew choreography to adjust^ a play and contort stewc field to force some zero-bubble (eg. tweak bubblegum with fibor bundling so that it fits a given handicap).^^ Recapitulate an aria.

This usually means that the stewcer will pursue a different walk with the intent of string closure🔒. Multiplier reliance is optional. Improvising requires both skill and strategy, and therefore, is not subject to chance.*** This is what differentiates stewcing from the likes of gambling. (see patch, γ-proof, RONALD)
/// Most stewcing activity is likely going to be improvisational because most fibor is subject to bundling. That speaks to the sheer volume of bubblegum in the system.

Stewcers, upon opening🔓 a token session (ie. coupon-building), may want to improvise for sake of ensuring maximum value on their deposit, or (more reasonably) to expedite gameplay/string closure🔒 via loop➰-erasure. The benefit of improvising is a straight flush💵 (tally of ¢ents🪙 accrued from proof-of-work within a session).


A spread's coverage [cover-patch identity]* :== the twistorspace posture (knot🪢 formation) for statistically graphing a [supersymmetric] zone on(to) some pitch (ie. fibor-bundling a set of BIG + SMALL branes). Since there are 100 different covers (0-99) that can be patched 26 different ways (a-z), there exists a total of 2,600 discrete coverages.** An example would be something like [(cover-34,patch.g) = coverage 34g].

As cryptographic shape schemes [puzzles🧩], coverages are fundamentally combinatorial; spanning the entire range of branes(SMALL + BIG). A coverage can be (strategically) both preventive and responsive. (see #coverage, toonlight, 🔋e:e statistics, patchwork, cassette, Honne Bay🪱)


UUhistlegrass©™ (or grass) :== Q♯ libretti@ [ie. paper roll of flowchart^ objects (eg. postcards, stamps, stickers, etc.)].@@ A libretto is a scored+digested thread compile of staging+music relating the preimagery to the image. ^^ stream (see 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, UUelcome License)
/// +All proof-of-work outputs to the ledger, however, some entries - like miscellany (#miscellany) and blurb (#blurb) - may be excluded from archiving, which catalogues 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy's compositions/signatures. Executables are filed under #libretto, articles (eg. 'papers') under #article.
+This libretto [essentially a cartridge of individual compiles (cassettes) that are organized by ephemera (hash)] corresponds to a logfile. To a degree, it may be likened to sheet music, or the dopesheet in traditional animation.

+ The contents of these documents may meet basic disclosure/transparency requirements as codified by federal law and referential scholarship. Additionally, they fulfill specific accounting standards as promulgated by certain preservation ordinances.

UUhistlegrass has a permanent record with the Library of Congress in the United States of America, as through an issued International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).
//: ISSN 2165-6738
Furthermore, that same record is catalogued by WorldCat with the following catalog number: OCLC 774054633

/Pink program


earl (from "encrypted algebraicly-rational leaf") is UUe's systolic array. It uses cellular automation to batch process ellis. This is the Pink program's cantata.

earl "mutates" based on the transposition (inclusion/exclusion) of cells on the circuit.

In the theme of simulacra, earl is cellular (cyto) so as to be continually re-purposed for stereotyping stews.

Notes (+): + In other words, represent the compute layer for EGP calculations.

+ 'Cellular automation' refers to the behavior of networked core processors designed as a systolic array.

+ earl complements ellis. This is the subject's sonata.