$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: algebra
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Showing posts with label algebra. Show all posts

/u-u economics [protocol]

Economist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
double-u economics / United Under Egglepple logo u-u economics* :== identifying stews with their parimutuelly Rubik [54-face]^ scrambles. ^^ Minimax of moves per solve. ** ie. forms a qubit.

"In a scenario where your energy🔋 needs are growing, an 🔋energy budget is obliterated via tax rebate." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Not having (or removing) an energy🔋 budget is the fastest way to scale Kardashev.

Because in twistorspace everything is symmetrical and dyadic (u,u), our parimutuel system (ie. a cryptocurrent between links), is reliant on 🔋e:e statistics (the interplay between hypercurrency and hypocurrency). So, structurally, the whole industry of Egglepple [portfolio: recto (EEE) ↔ verso (PPP)] implies that stewcing leads to the creation of ¢ents🪙 (generator), thereby securing🔐 [via crypto] its circuitry. (see quantumquotient, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, crypto compliance, c@$#tag, zero-bubble)
TOSUUe /// By definition, a currency is valuable whence weight can be assigned to its proof-of-work.
+¢ents get recycled♻.
+We have an economy/economic system precisely because we are using a jukebox. Like with any vending machine, you can have whatever you want [demand] (as long as it is available [supply]), you just have to pay for it.

Gameplay: (1) an asset (fibor) gets auctioned off until it becomes frictionless, (2) resultant cryptocurrency (links) is moved via c@$#tags.
In this economy (:= flow of transactions), the house (UUe) will 'purse' (and not 'bank') parimutuelly; transactions happen in curvilinear time (T).
Function map: fiborUUelcometwist economicsquantumquotient

/random coil

Ludologically, the function of opening🔓 a loopstring➿ is processed seemingly random (random := state=yes ++ address=no).
/// As in each outcome has equal probability.

random coil :== the lowest-level [dim≤1] (unmapped) orientation of a brane. This unstructured position sample [an algebraic curve] is known* as its preimage (or illustrative state for both pitch and incidental tax determinance).** I label it 'scramble' or sometimes 'scribble'.

Instead of being a specific shape/pose, it is a statistical distribution of all populated conformations (albeit, strictly those lacking subunit definition). If each conformation (walk) has equal probability or weight, then such coil is the acoustically-approximated bounds of some twistorspace. (compare denaturation, contrast identity, thread)
/// +It is not uncommon to have multiple different coil(s) for the same opus/string.
+The orientation is that of algebraic curvature because topologically, random coils are random walks on curved surfaces. My given axiom is that encryption can be hidden in its algebra.

Function map: scribblesponge


puzzle🧩 :== an object or objective lending itself to ludological inference [preimageimage] (ie. all puzzles beg to be solved*; a solved puzzle is in itself considered a goal).** Decrypted and/or encrypted. Someone who composes/solves puzzles may be referred to as a puzzler.

Stewcing-wise, our puzzles are ctf🏁-styled asymmetric rondos in a three (3)-act continuum: bug-bid-bounty = arithmetic+algebra(curvature)+analysis(logarithm). (see puzzle script, Puzzle Punk, gameshow, Egglepple, crypto)
/// Mathemusical translation: intonation, melody, and measure.


Ludologically, twistorspace or "slot" :== a complex configuration space (eg. geotop) of solutions to the twistor identity ||f(u,u)=0||.

Because a fibor is encoded to close🔒 its loopstring➿ the exact same way every time (ascertained from the uniqueness property), there must exist an acoustic bound in place enforcing (secured🔐 with crypto) these conformations (bubble or vacuum); without such a (force) field, the signal (as measured in ¢ents🪙) would not bifurcate (into MONEY or bubblegum) as a function of symmetry-breaking.
/// +We assume that each twistor field is unique to some fibor. Essentially, this is a mapped spinor. The 'spin' (an object's spinning metric signature) here is identifiable with the quantum fields of arbitrary spin.
+Everything in twistorspace is dyadic (u,u).

Twistorspace' complexity is curvilinear (T)*.** More accurately, sesquilinear. (see handicap, stewc field, coverage)

/stewc tax

Economist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
Intrinsic to u-u economics, stewc tax (or simply tax) :== residue (link's pip#) from stewcing as a dyadic fluctuator (ie. fungibility maintenance = standard excise) that stems (inspirationally) from curvature over finite fields* (redefining algebraic curves in terms of floating-point arithmetic); with non-trivial zeroes lying on the critical line, 1/2 + ir, where i is an imaginary number, and r is a real number {ir completes^ the twistorspace value}.## Functions as the transaction fee in a swap💱. ** The tax is a default house/user fee parimutuelly embedded in each fret. Funds get recycled♻, springing cache-credit idempotence. ^^ A contribution from the rational portion of half-integer statistics. (see ¢ent🪙, MONEY, stew, residue, token, quantumquotient, quotient normalization, stewcer's ruin, penny stake, 📓stewc tax as universal basic income, common ¢ents🪙, fret, Juke Lemma, crypto compliance, DUCC🦆, local zeta-function, hyper/hypo-currency)

"We can see that taxes are important in Life, not because of greed, but because Nature's way of dealing with insecurity is to bound residues to an algebraic curve." - 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy

/// In cryptic compliance, taxation is a seigniorage/excise applied to utilities (ie. energy) costs.

/Hodge conjecture

Let X be a non-singular complex projective manifold. Then every Hodge class on X is a linear combination with rational coefficients of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of X.


/normed vector space

/vector space

/representation theory


