$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: fugue
Showing posts with label fugue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fugue. Show all posts

/Egglepple, everywhere!℠

"Egglepple, everywhere!" :== the slogan/tagline for UUelcome. It assumes that gameplay and lnq🧑🏿 virtualizations are streaming simultaneously. This qualifies as fugue damping* (enharmonic playback) of the signal; persistence^ can be actualized by savefile propagation in some largest-scale filespace. ** A second-order derivative of orchestration. ^^ The intent is to be able to edit the full sequence🧱.
UUe /// We want to completely render (= print on-demand) the portfolio (🧩puzzle), thereby permitting filesystem access from virtually anywhere (ie. mechanically openworld). Obviously this requires updates to some class of printer driver(s).
(see 🧑🏿lnq's Requiem🙏🏿, "UUelcome, anywhere :)", The Origamic Symphony🎶, u-u economics, UUe interface, Stewdio, s-surface, cybernetics, crypto compliance, Pajamas)


bubblegum :== the name given to (a preimage of) fibor that is not optimal* (ie. false vacua).** Basically, not MONEY. It is/are (the class of) string combinations (yesegalo + groove/melody) whose fibril noncommutativity necessitate optimization (ornamenting of fugal themes).

We define bubblegum to be our "dilated vector space having everywhere-vanishing blowup points with boundary", and can easily determine it from being 'that which shares no equivalence relation with some assigned twistorspace (||inf > (u,u)=0|| OR ||sup < (u,u)=0||)'.

Bubblegum is used in encryption - as an improvisation method/tool to make MONEY - in hedging a given handicap [when bubblegum * (n) {n is finite number of pieces as ¢ents🪙} = handicap, then MONEY = yes], and thus, changing the tempo. (see 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, fibor bundle, swap, link. Compare protein quaternary structure)
/// +Bubblegum is probabilistically caused from half-integer statistics.
+'Bubblegum' is a metaphorically cohesive polymer, used to 'patch' things up so that MONEY can be made. Think of it (in a way) similar to bubblegum 'on the bottom of your shoe👟' that can be used to seal a leak, so to speak. (see spread)

Function map: bubblegumimproviseMONEY

/lnq's Starting Five

Composer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, LS5, or The March 5, refers to the 🎵mathemusical quintet (5-stack) ensemble - having originated with and prepared by him - that shape his repertoire* (other works aside).** Main oeuvre for conducting.

As expressions of the same thing, they are (in no particular order): Egglepple (signal), STU (tonic), The Origamic Symphony🎶 (movements), and UUelcome (jukebox). This suite is digested on uuhistlegrass, and recited&.&& It sports 🧑🏿lnq 🧩puzzle solving. (see yots, joey, developus, link, swoon, touch-and-go, License, +list, 305)
/// +The 'starting five' is an athletic reference to team sports in which teams (of at least five players) will begin a game or match with their/its decided starters on deck.
+Puwun is 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy's muse (akin to a sixth man/woman - first off the bench, so to speak).


Composer: Link Starbureiy




A rotisserie, or roto, statistically relates ("routes"*) self-contained cache-to-credit functions as hashed within some twistorspace ||(u,u)||.** a walk directive It exists only to throughput [measure and frame] tape.

The jukebox hosts a rotisserie in order to instantiate MONEY algorithm activity (read: 'juking'). Our rotisserie synthesizes parimutuel cycling of the matte (buttons: juke + Stewdio + fugue) so as to transact tokens. In our case, the rotisserie is synonymous with "coupon router" (ie. an auction), thereby establishing idempotency. (see foam, link)
/// key words: auction, self-synthesis

/cassette [savefile]

Broadly, a cassette :== a mobile encode element (module) invoking loading. More specifically, a cassette refers to a discrete batch* (of libraries) that, when ported, becomes streamable.** Ordered via toonage.

These clients function as persistent data structures; nodally they run prints for site recombination / differentiation between cells. (Compare gene cassette. See mixtape, UUhistlegrass)
/// Each build is an updated and readied implementation of lnq🧑🏿 (Q♯🎶 score + drivers). It is anticipated that the abi should cumulatively grow in size.
+I refer to distros of cassettes (in circulation) as 'toys'.

Function map: cassetteUUelcome


An episode is a period between two (2) instances of quotient normalization.