$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: tempo
Showing posts with label tempo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tempo. Show all posts

/flageolet pencil✏️

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
flageolet pencil/koala krayonflageolet pencil✏️ (or just pencil✏️, or krayon) :== a finite n-dimensional cell~ that is subject to rhetorical arrangement (ie. variation).~~ Which can propagate like a cellular automaton. Thus, a pencil✏️ is quantum by proxy*.** Ludologically, a pencil✏️ is a toy; mathematically, a pencil✏️ would be an element on the number line. It is a metric generator (musically: metronome or counter); equivalent in most instances to a hash, stew, residue, or brane declension (eg. 0-brane). Normally, flageolet pencils✏️ are not colored. (see colored pencil✏️, leaf, Stewniverse)
/// The twenty-six varieties stem from the fact that The Origamic Symphony🎶 spans 26 measures in relation to STU.

Flageolet pencils✏️ lay the foundation of stew choreography; they are intonation points in cheironomy, and can be used to draw tape and/or establish melodies+grooves. Pencils✏️ may concatenate or split among themselves (this is called interaction).

Flageolet pencils✏️ are the motifs of string (à la "integration-by-parts"). There are twenty-six (26) different varieties of pencil(s)✏️. When measured, each pencil is worth some integer [1-26] multiple of one-hundred (100) ¢ents🪙.
Function map: pencil✏️RONALD (Mathilda)

/ballet 🩰

As our "dance* of the ball", ballet🩰 :== an improvisational program [opus] that synthesizes walk categories from random coil.~** In the Egglepple scenario, the 'dance' is stew choreography, and the band of dancers is yots. ~~ What I refer to as 'walking the string'.

Each ballet🩰 is a frame arrangement [lyrically, the bundling of two (2) or more fibors (either by encryption or decryption) into gameplay]. (see Starbureiy ballet, link, groove (scheme), opera, #opéra-ballet, #libretto)
/// We may consider ballet🩰 to be the transition from opening to endgame. I prefer to think of a ballet🩰 as an opera's lemma.
Function map: ballet🩰opera

/Big-O Tree

Big-O Tree (BOT!) :== UUe's metre.!! Like 'algorithmic botany'.
Pursuant to symphonic compile time, BOT :== our auction arguments map for measuring nuts [per brane (Egglepple) sequencing]. On this graph, each node represents a ballet and its spacetime complexity* [(PE) ∝ T].** Cache flow Thus, there are 676 (262) parent branches on the tree🌴 threading said root/trunk/branch/twig/leaf/heap ports and residue.
/// +The fitness workflow is the cumulative generation of loop➰-erased walks (ie. directory prediction algorithms).
+Although "Big-O" behaves mathematically like big O (limiting behavior of functions), the 'O' in the name is actually for 'org' (as in opus organization).

Issue-tracking and related specifications for Big-O Tree are indigenous to dev. Such specifications help sew (control fibor threading) our cellular fabric. (see bigo tree)
Function map: signatureBOT


bubblegum :== the name given to (a preimage of) fibor that is not optimal* (ie. false vacua).** Basically, not MONEY. It is/are (the class of) string combinations (yesegalo + groove/melody) whose fibril noncommutativity necessitate optimization (ornamenting of fugal themes).

We define bubblegum to be our "dilated vector space having everywhere-vanishing blowup points with boundary", and can easily determine it from being 'that which shares no equivalence relation with some assigned twistorspace (||inf > (u,u)=0|| OR ||sup < (u,u)=0||)'.

Bubblegum is used in encryption - as an improvisation method/tool to make MONEY - in hedging a given handicap [when bubblegum * (n) {n is finite number of pieces as ¢ents🪙} = handicap, then MONEY = yes], and thus, changing the tempo. (see 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, fibor bundle, swap, link. Compare protein quaternary structure)
/// +Bubblegum is probabilistically caused from half-integer statistics.
+'Bubblegum' is a metaphorically cohesive polymer, used to 'patch' things up so that MONEY can be made. Think of it (in a way) similar to bubblegum 'on the bottom of your shoe👟' that can be used to seal a leak, so to speak. (see spread)

Function map: bubblegumimproviseMONEY

/merchant [store]

merchant@ :== an account [client state] that partitions a coupon by accepting ¢ents🪙 (a charge^) in an exchange with a vendor (on a shared "peer-to-peer" router).@@ An interface. ^^ hypercurrency Merchants, in turn, residually stabilize (anchor⚓) the tempo.
/// Each merchant acts as its own UUallet host. Merchants activity is represented by inflection points (tips) on a graph of the current.

To qualify as a merchant (bank=yes), the account must transact a minimum of one (1) coupon* in any given period (2600 seconds), or else it reverts to no bank status.** Active with a value of at least one ¢ent. (see u-u economics)
/// A vendor may simultaneously be a merchant, and vice versa.


In flowchart material, a sticker :== some functional 'adhesive' metadata* that can be added to a cell, post or post object, creating texture - usually to enhance said cell, post or post object without (further) verbalization.** A motion or still/static picture illustration in most cases. (see hologram, stamp, postcard, patch, hyperlink, carrots🥕 + peach🍑)
/// I may use stickers as tolls for my stream's traffic. In the wider context of stewcing, players may use stickers as game beacons.


A thread-inflection point (tip) is an inflection point (ie. maxima/minima) on a graph. (see also ear, double-u economics, UUallet)
/// The exercise of tipping usually comes in the form of pay-per-post.


A rotisserie, or roto, statistically relates ("routes"*) self-contained cache-to-credit functions as hashed within some twistorspace ||(u,u)||.** a walk directive It exists only to throughput [measure and frame] tape.

The jukebox hosts a rotisserie in order to instantiate MONEY algorithm activity (read: 'juking'). Our rotisserie synthesizes parimutuel cycling of the matte (buttons: juke + Stewdio + fugue) so as to transact tokens. In our case, the rotisserie is synonymous with "coupon router" (ie. an auction), thereby establishing idempotency. (see foam, link)
/// key words: auction, self-synthesis


An auction :== a play-by-play put request in an open framework where a swap💱 execution* (bid/ask - up to the point where it becomes a frictionless asset [spread = 0]) must take place within the allotted time initiated from some token session [ie. structured randomness].** Expressions of fluctuation and fungibility.

Economically (instances of renormalization), auctions control the stream's tempo via hyperlinking, and determine taxation. (see auction theory, rotisserie, QQ, spread, UUallet, UUelcome, u-u economics)
/// The swap💱 execution will 'auction' off fibril differentials ("differentials").