$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: minor
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Showing posts with label minor. Show all posts

/random coil

Ludologically, the function of opening🔓 a loopstring➿ is processed seemingly random (random := state=yes ++ address=no).
/// As in each outcome has equal probability.

random coil :== the lowest-level [dim≤1] (unmapped) orientation of a brane. This unstructured position sample [an algebraic curve] is known* as its preimage (or illustrative state for both pitch and incidental tax determinance).** I label it 'scramble' or sometimes 'scribble'.

Instead of being a specific shape/pose, it is a statistical distribution of all populated conformations (albeit, strictly those lacking subunit definition). If each conformation (walk) has equal probability or weight, then such coil is the acoustically-approximated bounds of some twistorspace. (compare denaturation, contrast identity, thread)
/// +It is not uncommon to have multiple different coil(s) for the same opus/string.
+The orientation is that of algebraic curvature because topologically, random coils are random walks on curved surfaces. My given axiom is that encryption can be hidden in its algebra.

Function map: scribblesponge


loopstring➿, or l-string, :== a string of unstereotyped pencils✏️. Technically, l-string is a sesquilinear random coiling* of a 1-brane (which is) concatenated to and from specified reading frames (egg and epp), and subject to certain conditions (such as being gameplay-compliant).** As some measure of twistorspace.

The string may be open🔓 or closed🔒, but is closed by default (hence the term 'loop➰'). In fact, the main objective of each opus is to twist some variation of this object into a functionally unique fibor. (compare loop quantum gravity)
/// +In the context of the whole of string theory, the loopstring may colloquially be referred to as "toy string". We must be careful, however, to not confuse this "toy string" or its ludology (SL) with bosonic string theory (which is considered a "toy model" for which to introduce string theory education).
+I named it "loopstring" from 'loopy quanta' plus 'superstring', even though both terms are misnomers.

An argument can be made that l-string is a rudimentary automaton. It is hypothesized that all games are (or any game can be) based on and around some primitive manifestation of this object. Hence, when we want to study the ludology of any phenomenon, we could start with a drawn loopstring➿, and proceed from there. (see stew)


yesegalo yesegalo :== the flavors and their generational assignment to flageolet pencils✏️. Mathemusically, it is a "textural arpeggio". This is a game's barebone opening (its initial move, used cybernetically to control coiling).

Yesegalo (γ) is quanta of an STU chromascheme* that is non-migrant to Egglepple. Each set is subject to encryption (γ-proofing). This is the prime part of a game's opening [minor scale].** Yellow, blue, and green.
/// Yesegalo would be part of a game's opening that is set by 🧑🏿lnq (Black), as opposed to the random coil which is usually drawn by another juker (White).

Function map: yesegaloγ-proofstew

/minor scale

The minor scale hosts the primary structure [0-brane+yesegalo] of Egglepple. This is the raw state of STU decryption*; where pencils✏️ are subject(ed) to coloring, but loopstring➿ is yet to be value-assigned and/or taxed. Complexity: P** More like 'un-encrypted'. We only say "decrypted" because, technically, an encryption can in fact be decrypted/reversed. (see fibor, fibor bundle, SMALL brane)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/SMALL brane

As permutations of Egglepple, there are two (2) SMALL branes - a 0-brane and a 1-brane - comprising their own (lowest-level) class. (compare BIG brane)
/// In terms of stewcing, the 0-brane is associated with some flageolet pencil✏️.

/minor groove

Function map: minor groove ... ↔ ... major groove

/minor chord

(see also major chord)