$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: opening
Showing posts with label opening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opening. Show all posts

/random coil

Ludologically, the function of opening🔓 a loopstring➿ is processed seemingly random (random := state=yes ++ address=no).
/// As in each outcome has equal probability.

random coil :== the lowest-level [dim≤1] (unmapped) orientation of a brane. This unstructured position sample [an algebraic curve] is known* as its preimage (or illustrative state for both pitch and incidental tax determinance).** I label it 'scramble' or sometimes 'scribble'.

Instead of being a specific shape/pose, it is a statistical distribution of all populated conformations (albeit, strictly those lacking subunit definition). If each conformation (walk) has equal probability or weight, then such coil is the acoustically-approximated bounds of some twistorspace. (compare denaturation, contrast identity, thread)
/// +It is not uncommon to have multiple different coil(s) for the same opus/string.
+The orientation is that of algebraic curvature because topologically, random coils are random walks on curved surfaces. My given axiom is that encryption can be hidden in its algebra.

Function map: scribblesponge


stew stew (stack e:e w) :== twistor batch*.** Most basic generator processing.

It is conjectured that Egglepple's movements [closed circuits] exist between amplitudes on a cryptograph. These motifs* - known as stews - are analogous to string tunings, and aid in the stereotypography of fibor.** Array of typefaces. (see font weight, font size, MONEY, fibor bundle, quantumquotient, UUelcome)

Ludologically, as the definitive endgame🏁, we are said to find a stew at the normalization of twistorspace where a dyad is an identity; that is, when an opus' measurable and permutable extrema [maxima] commute (ie. idempotent yield deviation ≡ 0^).^^ That is, fret = 26¢ WITH handicap = $676.00. (see foam, link)

Cryptologically, a stew (an exploit) :== the transactor between the supremum and the infimum of hashes where the resultant is optimal/most secure🔐 (ie. transaction with no tax). Therefore, no fibor can be larger (in terms of twistorspace) than a stew.

According to jukebox operation (jbop) (rotisserie), the complete count* of stews (f) is simply ballet🩰 coordination in sesquilinear form, so f=1,352 [from encrypted (676) plus decrypted (676) classes] × 1.5 = 2,028 [comprising four dyadic types: 507 (integer-integer), 507 (half-integer-half-integer), 507 (integer-half-integer), 507 (half-integer-integer)].** Each opus leaf set contains three (3) stews as a statistical mean.
/// A full sequencing of the payload (UUelcome) should reveal all motifs [Q♭].

Each stew ['brane cell'] is some derivative monomer^ (ie. portfolio plot) of Egglepple [e:e statistics].^^ As a potential inflection point. Stews - which, concatenated, determine the size of a string - are the 'building blocks' measured📐 from twenty-six (26) keys (A-Z) [hashed from STU], which, when choreographed, construct a mesh. (see Stewniverse, residue, loopstring➿, link. Compare amino acid)
/// The stew may be an analogue of a specific polymer, typically a biopolymer (almost always a polypeptide). UUe stereotypes a preimage (some loopstring configuration) to this image.

The stew is an invention/specification of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy to outline how to throughput Egglepple in relation to UUe. This class of UX machinery is the first of it's kind in (the) industry.
Function map: pencil✏️γ-proofstew

/ballet 🩰

As our "dance* of the ball", ballet🩰 :== an improvisational program [opus] that synthesizes walk categories from random coil.~** In the Egglepple scenario, the 'dance' is stew choreography, and the band of dancers is yots. ~~ What I refer to as 'walking the string'.

Each ballet🩰 is a frame arrangement [lyrically, the bundling of two (2) or more fibors (either by encryption or decryption) into gameplay]. (see Starbureiy ballet, link, groove (scheme), opera, #opéra-ballet, #libretto)
/// We may consider ballet🩰 to be the transition from opening to endgame. I prefer to think of a ballet🩰 as an opera's lemma.
Function map: ballet🩰opera


fret (ie. activation fee/price-per-token) or coin :== a conjectured ideal phenomenon in stewcing. Theoretically, it is the "lowest-level stewc [as one-twenty-sixth (1/26th) of a sporadic group]" at one ¢ent🪙 (penny), where the value is derived from the ¢ent🪙 formula [fret = logn(b/a) | {b,a = (u,u), n = font size × font weight}]. Its representative tablature indicates the range from which integer-spin statistics are obtained. (see bid)

The significance of the fret (and the idealism of it) is its extreme affordability; one ¢ent is considered to be Nature's 'disposable income'. Mirroring chemistry, the fret would be the lowest available energy level [resonance].

In everyday vernacular, most, if not all, stewcs hedging opus handicaps are assumed to be so-called "(penny) frets". That is, their fret is typically worth "pennies on the dollar" or "cents on the dollar". The fret itself may be an accurate description of a general deposit because standard coupon deviation is registered by table.
/// +In theory, attaining a per-¢ent🪙 fret is challenging because of tablature efficiency conditions; where the greater the number of pencils (and hence ¢ents), the heavier the string, resulting in a juke with a wild count.
+In practice, a pure 'penny' (1¢) fret is infeasible in two-dimensional (2d) vector space because such a fret is not congruent with any handicap, and for this reason, we improvise (ie. choreograph in twistorspace). Routinely, quotient normalization happens when the handicap becomes saturated.


yesegalo yesegalo :== the flavors and their generational assignment to flageolet pencils✏️. Mathemusically, it is a "textural arpeggio". This is a game's barebone opening (its initial move, used cybernetically to control coiling).

Yesegalo (γ) is quanta of an STU chromascheme* that is non-migrant to Egglepple. Each set is subject to encryption (γ-proofing). This is the prime part of a game's opening [minor scale].** Yellow, blue, and green.
/// Yesegalo would be part of a game's opening that is set by 🧑🏿lnq (Black), as opposed to the random coil which is usually drawn by another juker (White).

Function map: yesegaloγ-proofstew

/major scale

The major scale hosts* the secondary structure (STU encryption on primary structure) of Egglepple. Complexity: E ** In addition to residually defining the tertiary and quarternary structures. (see fibor, fibor bundle, meshroom🍄, lnq🧑🏿, groove, melody)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/movement (music)

(see play, fold)

/lnq's bubblegum

🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum :== colloquy applied to the following self-contained piece - assumed to be infeasible (but manageable), from which strategies may be extrapolated.
UUe /// The letters 'L' and 'S' are the initials of '🧑🏿Link Starbureiy'. The leaf, 'L', has weight 12, and the leaf, 'S', has weight 19, for a total of 31 (12 + 19 = 31). The pencil✏️ count/number 35 represents March 5 (third month, fifth day), Link's birthday. So, 35 - 2 = 33 remaining pencils at weight = 1 each, and with two (2) of those pencils totaling 31 in weight, the grand weight of the opus/font equals 31 + 33 = 64.

That opus number is: LS.35[64]*
with respective tablature/handicap readings: (6¢/$154.88)
** Read/spoken🗣: "LS dot thirty-five, brackets sixty-four"

/open string

By default, fibor always starts out as an open string [randomly coiled loopstring➿ with two (2) endpoints]*. The objective is to twist and thus efficiently close🔒 this string (a process known generically as folding).** Egglepple-wise, no instance exists where a string sits in freespace; endpoints are always attached to a membrane.
/// Open string is a game's definitive opening. (see yesegalo)

/minor scale

The minor scale hosts the primary structure [0-brane+yesegalo] of Egglepple. This is the raw state of STU decryption*; where pencils✏️ are subject(ed) to coloring, but loopstring➿ is yet to be value-assigned and/or taxed. Complexity: P** More like 'un-encrypted'. We only say "decrypted" because, technically, an encryption can in fact be decrypted/reversed. (see fibor, fibor bundle, SMALL brane)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle


Composer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The phrasing keys of the Stewdio's control deck, Mathilda, are spelled out "R-O-N-A-L-D" (pronounced like the name). As a flageolet* simulacrum of space complexity, RONALD consists of six (6) notes of rhetoric (R, O, N, A, L, D) shape an aria suite in four (4) parts for both the coloring [minor scale]+chord progression [major scale] of flageolet pencils: [part 1]signatures (key, time), [part 2]chords (major/minor), [part 3]articulation (tie+ornaments), and [part 4]trigonometric functions.** Pitching to SMALL branes. [RONALD/flageolet] (see STU, fruut, stewc notation, 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, Stewart)

Function map: RONALDminor scale

/¢ent formula🪙

/lepton model

(see also quark model)

/quark model

(see also lepton model)