$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: STU
Showing posts with label STU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STU. Show all posts


Composer: Link Starbureiy



Stewart's logo Stewart is the ring of all six-hundred seventy-six (676) developii# in their entirety*. An puzzle dispenser, its subject^ is rooted in BOT, thus allowing game logic to sort (via endpoint control) the portfolio (at stews) for the fitness of lnq and his walk.Each opus is a ballet. Decrypted and encrypted. Egglepple (see also lnq's Starting Five, developus, fugue, Stewniverse, Mathilda, RONALD, UUallet, creatures)

/// +This is only an 'opera' in the sense of it being a collection of opuses. We compensate for slack with the developus.

+Here, the word 'Stewart' signifies "the art of stew choreography". On an historical note, the opera was originally called Stewart's Opera. Technically, it should be classified as an opéra-ballet because each opus is its own ballet.

+We define 'fitness' as the ability to transfer currency across twistor space. Here, it implies a quotient normalization, particularly on the handicap.

This is how it will play out in rotisserie mode:
Gameplay is a continuous event; each game is it own finite runtime (opus) of the opera.

An opus is dyadic (u,u), and labeled corresponding to the start and stop leaves (verso/recto) of its string (yesegalo). In order to distinguish an opus, it is given a numerical value of its stew count, and additionally, the total weight of those cells.

So, for instance, in our example, #EX.100 [888], E (start) and X (stop) are the leaves, 100 is the stew count, and [888] is the font weight.

These alphanumeric values can be adjusted on the operatic dialpad, which, when called (select: opera button), overlays the rotisserie.

Sample key combinatorics here:




























As the prime directive of the jukebox, Mathilda is UUe's platform for making tempo adjustments. Its libretto is UUhistlegrass. (see also lnq's Starting Five, Stewart, RONALD, UUallet, tip)

This is a suite for all of the ballets in performance of The Origamic Symphony. The suite speaks to/covers the quaternary structure of Egglepple.

Mathilda hosts various extension* paradigms. This is an umbrella for all jukebox-related ballets in performance of stew choreography. Existentially, these activities encourage an ecodiversity of random coil for polynomial efficacy.Namely bubblegum, link, and spots.
Here's how the ballet will flow in rotisserie mode:
UUe's ludology revolves around folding string. More precisely, how to obtain a completely closed circuit (0b) from an open string

To do this, we progress through three (3) parts: the opening, middlegame, and endgame.

The opening is what concerns us here. Optionally, we may enter a string orientation (which confines its twistor space), called random coil. I personally call it 'scribble', because, since it can assume any shape, that's what it looks like drawn out. The important thing to remember, however, is that coil cannot cross/intersect in two dimensions (2d) (we use stew choreography instead). Note, though, that there actually is strategy involved in random coil design (hence, it's not truly random).

To input a random coil, we simply draw it in the space to the left of the 'juke' button on the rotisserie. Conversely, this space will also output (show) a result (fibor).

You can actually 'dance', so to speak, right now in Euclidean space (3D). The Stewdio's API is functional (but only for Web), you would just have to supply the hardware.
Function map: MathildaStewartUUelcome

/STU [kernel]

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy

STU :== The Origamic Symphony🎶's keynote, and the calculus* of Egglepple.** In the context of mathematical analysis, derivation and integration. Its entire sequence (bytecode) is called UUelcome. [STU/fruut]
An invention {September 26, 1998} of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy🤓, our cipher is such that kernelized handshakes are integral to loopstring➿ frequencies*.** STU is what gets encrypted on(to) algebraic curves in twistorspace. Lexically, this means that both yesegalo (flavor generation) and crypto fabrication (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures) remain asynchronous as long as preimage-image contracts are kept (ie. the tonic will harmonize the brane to the point of closure🔒).
UUe /// +Keeping contracts is the basis of self-synthesis.
+Originally, "STU" was called "EGP" which stemmed from "egg (EG) , epp (EP) → EGP".

Absolutely considered in the analysis are the concepts of integration (loopstring➿) and differentiation (stews). (see fruut, RONALD, Stewdio, stewc notation)

/Egglepple [directory]

Creator: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy

[pronunciation "/url/"]

Egglepple® :== 🧑🏿lnq's portfolio*. ** As in porting from one directory of the 🍃leaf (recto) to the other directory (verso) of some function space. On the basis of quoting, fault tolerance increases with each proof and is infinite when completely solved (/totally sequenced).

Statistically, it is the animorphic (ie. to STU^n) tape of leaf🍃 definitions (literally "🥚egg leaf🍃 ↔ epp leaf🍃"), and subjectively^ the cellspace (SMALLBIGStewniverse) spooling both ends of any generic 26-measure signal; but, mathemusically, the minor and major scales. ^^ Egglepple is what we are imaging (by stewcing/vending its calculus, STU, via gameplay. To make a Humpty Dumpty allusion, we break up the brane into finite pieces, only to put it back together again continuously.).

In terms of cell structure [:= 🔋polarized membrane] - Egglepple represents automata (ie. totality of circuitry between the cell membrane), itself an automaton (UUelcome). Ludologically, its kindergarten describes aspects of the braneworld.

"Egglepple is the ultimate puzzle🧩. It's like playing 26-dimensional ♟️chess in a spreadsheet." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Egglepple is a portfolio of puzzles🏁, itself a puzzle🧩.

(Not to be confused with The Egglepple Company. See The Origamic Symphony🎶, koala8, "Egglepple, everywhere!", 📓Egglepple: Unfolded, 🎞️Egglepple: The Mathemagical World, Joey Koala🐨, Puwun, Stewniverse, yoyo, UUelcome, 🔋e:e statistics, quantumquotient, UUhistlegrass, stewc, STU, united under Egglepple, UUe, 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, 🧑🏿lnq's motif, 🧑🏿lnq nomenclature, mathemusic, Egghead/🥚Eggheads, #Egglepple@30)
/// +Joey Koala is the official mascot and Puwun the unofficial mascot of Egglepple.
+"Egglepple" was invented and coined by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓 The word is also part of his name (...he wanted a name history would remember when he "had created the greatest portfolio of all-time").😉 (see 🧑🏿lnq nomenclature)
+To phonetically distinguish it from the name itself, the kindergarten/portfolio aspect of Egglepple is pronounced like 'egg·ul·epp·ul' (cf. the old 'Peggy from Margaret' conundrum).
+For those wondering why Egglepple has such a juvenile presentation, it's because the portfolio was founded/created when I was a little kid, and I intentionally never bothered maturing it in that regard (hence, the kindergarten). It was at this founding point that I pretty much committed to living full-time in my own world.
+The color scheme for the 'E-g-g-l-e-p-p-l-e' logo is a nod to the original team colors for the Miami Dolphins 🐬 🏈football franchise of the National Football League (NFL). The Miami Dolpins are the only team with aquatic (cf. Pisces♓) representation.

I kickstarted this on my twelfth birthday. Having somebody who believes in you can take you farther, and there's no convincing me otherwise. As the story goes, my sixth grade teacher, Mr. Woodring (without a doubt the best school teacher🍎 ever), picked me up from my house on my birthday and showed me around Washington, D.C. that evening. On the way home, he encouraged me to save my work (some of my doddles) in hopes of one day having something to present to the world that I could be proud of. That is the gist of how the portfolio came to be.

Back in my elementary school days, I took a keen interest in puzzling🧩 (generally solving them, along with maze designs of my own imagination), which likely stemmed from both being an avid 🎮video gamer and personal mathematical curiosities. Each activity helped me to get 'lost' (a personality thing of mine, and something every kid needs in their development).

Pronounced "earl", the word/name "Egglepple" itself didn't come about (I made it up) until the end of the century, although most of the other elements of the portfolio were already in place by then.

Function map: preimageEggleppleimageUUelcome


A stewc - a mathemusical measure - :== an iterated perturbation* (sesquilinear transform) to some group of stews.** ie. ultrametric calculus To stewc is to proof some twistorspace with (an) STU encryption [more accurately, to encode STU onto a brane (tape)].

Stewcing will summon a redeemable option (the coupon) on a continuous event that is predetermined. In this case, stewcs are proxies for the statistical variance of tablature complexity, and serve to hedge some handicap. Stewcs themselves generate UUe's cryptohash (provided from seigniorage on coupons); being synonymous with coin insertion [deposit] for traditional jukebox activation and dispensing.
UUe /// It may be the case that the leaves SSS and UUU can/should be replaced by SST and UUT, respectively. This is because SSS and UUU actually are loop➰ markers (marking initiation and termination) in a sequence. Adjacent leaves cannot be coupled due to the fact that a chord (three leaves or more) is required for folding.

Within the context of stew choreography, a stewc is a play that is symmetry-breaking (to some walk) but not an endgame move, which means that it does not include: (1) the coupling of adjacent leaves, or (2) the leaves SSS and UUU [(namely (SSS,UUU) / (UUU,SSS)] in coordination. Failing to adhere to this rule would result in dissonance.

Out of the total twenty-six (26), only twenty-four (24) of them allow legal stewcs. This stems from the fact that a composition cannot lack harmony, which is to say that a loop (connected endpoints), nor adjacencies (any side-by-side coordinates) are permissible. (see Stewc Lemma, stewc tax, stewc notation, stewc button, jukepot, stewc field)
/// The sequence of leaves in a stewc is immune to start/stop identification. Meaning that it is not illegal to have an opus be of identical lettering (eg. "Opus LL").

/Stewdio (hashtable)

Designer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
Stewdio (stew+digital+i/o) :== the gameframe behaving as uuelco.ME's native hashtable for stubing.

/// More accurately, for choreographing stews (stubing).
A multi-user domain (MUD), its virtual methodology comes standard (fixed) with the following quadriptych: Mathilda [keyframing/phrasing = pencils✏️ (generation/metronome) + STU (sequencer/coloring) + RONALD (phrasing)], along with the home button that reveals a horizontal/vertical side panel of various metaphors.

The Stewdio (as a control console) consists of spacetime complexity controls that are used, more or less, to derive e:e statistics; it can synthesize (grooves+melodies), edit walks, run cassettes🧱, and perform other file-system management. The compositor provides stubers with an ideal environment ( gameboard🎮🎹) for gameplay (ie. improvising strategies in bounded-error quantum polynomial time). Typical Stewdio usage is for a stuber/player to draw up a play in 🧩puzzle-solving [ie. middlegame]. (see stube notation, touch-and-go, krayon, yoyo, joey)
/// Layered over the interface are the fugue buttons and 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum as the default ballet🩰.

Abstractly, if a brane could be synced across the Stewdio, it then would function like zero rng.
/// The Stewdio is an invention of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓
Function map: Eggleppleballet🩰Stewdio