$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: MONEY
Showing posts with label MONEY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MONEY. Show all posts


Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
MONEY💰 (Mathemusically-Optimized* Normal Encrypted Yield) :== the cryptic resultant [hyper/hypo 1] from γ-proofing (some permutation of BIG branes).** Efficiency (ie. fitness) is determined by proximity to the handicap (||inf ≥ (u,u)=0||) relative to how many tokens are used.
/// This is a separate phylum (fungible) of cryptocurrency (cachecredit).

"You need BIG branes to make MONEY💰." - 🧑🏿lnq

Numismatically, MONEY💰 is fit fibor (strict tertiary structure) earned [reward] by stubing. After attaining a 0-bubble, the yield is the attribution of ¢ents🪙 drawn from that loopstring➿ arrangement. A fibril requirement is that the yield be less than or equal to the handicap (ie. commutativity) for MONEY💰 qualification. Otherwise, it is bubblegum [yield ≤ handicap, else bubblegum].^^^ However, fibor bundling can still objectively make MONEY💰 via improvisation. (see font, link, lyric, mesh, Juke Lemma, c@$#tag, common ¢ents🪙, quotient normalization, cryptosport, 💰MONEY algorithm)
UUe /// The total ¢ent🪙 amount is finite (per each opus), while the tabulation of jukers and their scores relative to an opus can never be greater than the available ¢ents🪙. This helps prevent double-spending.
Function map: sessionγ-proof¢ents🪙/link

/quantumquotient (QQ)

Theorist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The quantumquotient (Q♭/Q♯) [abbreviated→QQ], or, in the context of stewcing, "how to typeset", axiomatizes an algebraic curvature 🔓/rootkey - the quantum (Q♭) of The Origamic Symphony🎶 (Q♯) - for computing some ratio (hyper/hypo)^ of ¢ents🪙 with which it is idempotent (ie. establish a chargecryptocurrent).@@ The theorem (itself a macro ctf🏁) was first posed by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, who, in suggesting QQ is provable, conjectured that token-based automata is ideally both kernelized and fungible.🤓 ^^ May colloquially be refered to as '🧑🏿lnq's eyes' (see 🧑🏿lnq's motif).

"Statistically, you cannot generate data without using energy. Also, there is no such thing as non-virtual data generation. Corollary: all virtual data is generated statistically." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Information occupies finite cells; in any data exchange, cryptocurrency is at play. So, objectively, desired is compressed data to yield maximal current.

A lemma of Q♭ seeks to exploit (with gameplay) the fitness of 🔋e:e statistics [a saturated load-balancing from twistor residues].### ∃ a transactor between preimaging and imaging. -- Problem: show that ¢ent🪙 homotopy is normalizable. Hint: classifying all fonts should suffice.
/// +The definition of quantum here = 'economically dyadic'.
+To control compliancy.
+The overall objective is to find (+exploit) the fonts. Coverages are used to 'trap' them, whilst classifying 0-bubbles qualifies as brute-force sorting. So, basically, it's fonts vs. foam.
+The hypothetical solution is to resolve the Juke Lemma (ie. fully sequence EGP). QQ can be proven (shown to be true) with identities.

"A QQ proof is like having the masterkey🔑 to the Universe. Someone armed with it can literally charge the world." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Think of the proof as being like some sort of an engine that powers twistorspace.

The quantumquotient always assumes crypto abnormalcy~ (ie. hyper/hypo < 1, and PBQP).~~ statistical volatility Plainly, it is a query into how much (an estimate) of a given distribution of e:e statistics [hyper/hypo] is optimal (ie. MONEY)(?). In a parimutuel system, the hyper- numerator can remain (hypothetically) asymptotic* iff there exists a hash function (auction) that can bring about perpetual normalization.** This is because the set of fonts is infinitesimal compared to the total fibor count.

The aim is for a collapsible wave function: persistent/redundant cache-credit idempotence (global cryptocurrent), which [(hyper,hypo) ≅ crypto] would be theoretically achievable with a secure🔐 [sequenced == all 2,028 fonts identified] payload (courtesy of u-u economics). (See Stewc Lemma, stewc tax, string ludology, UUelcome, Starbureiy automaton, The Origamic Symphony🎶, 🧑🏿lnq's Requiem, +list. Compare fusion energy gain factor)
Function map: Q ... Stewc Lemma → ... Pink Poemγ-proof


lyric :== a poetic appropriation resulting in proof. Each lyric is a loopstring➿ frequency [triangulated datapoint on a brane] assumed from folding.

The (lyrical) set itself is all twenty-six (26) fret spores (0-25) which includes two (2) chords: minor (group of prime numbers) and major (group of composite numbers).


fibor :== an automaton that is a unique and totally twistable ||f(u,u)=0|| crypto mesh* (cluster) of links (L) which is subject to stewcing.** There are two (2) classes of fibor: MONEY and bubblegum. This is a tertiary (stereo) isoform of Egglepple.

Fibor^ is a functional component (dyadic fluctuator) of twist economics; hashed (from an algorithm of mathemusic) to output some image.^^ Each fibor is both its own structural formula and memory address. As part of the endgame🏁, we care mainly for the ludological aspect(s) of stewcing (topology, rhetoric, mechanics, etc.), as they relate to identification and function attribution. (see minor, major, fibor bundle, fibor mutation, stew, zero-bubble, walk, stewc tax)
/// +Mathematically, fibors are trivial zeroes (compared to stews which are non-trivial zeroes).
+Fibor is the 'print' (or vending) stage. This would be the total algorithm input assigned from stew choreography. Gameplay-wise, stewcers should aim to get here as quickly as possible.
+For purposes of imaging, the loopstring➿ may be a simple topological schematic, serving to illustrate some animation directive.
+Just to reiterate, our primary interests are not in figuring out the science (eg. chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) behind the folding (chemical bonding, dipole moments, things of this nature are left to such experts). We are chiefly concerned with "writing a playbook", so to speak, that will enable anyone to generate algorithms (plays) for configuring polymorphisms and coordinating meshes.
+We must be careful with our vocabulary. Yes, fibor is stringy, but it is not a requirement that it be physical, per se. It just necessarily assumes the properties (namely that it can vibrate in multiple dimensions) of strings as it propagates into worldspace. In this case, we are concerned strictly with string dynamics (incorporating the landscape vacua philosophy). However, fibor - in the mold of stew choreography - is open/closed in some arbitrary volume, whence it is attached to a dynamical mem(brane). Oddly, however, there exists a method to start with Planck data, and work our way up to normalization with g-folding.

Function map: minormajorfiborfibor bundle


smb :== the abbreviation for st@t-MONEY-bytes, the rubric used in determining the value of a stewcer's output.
/// Tip: You desire the s to be low, and the m and b to be high.

In gameplay, one wants to - in the following order - attain the lowest st@t possible [ie. score the most goals, thereby getting their Starbureiy statistic closer to the zero (0) ideal], maximize their MONEY-making (which inevitably contributes to a low st@t [¢ents🪙/tokens]), and accrue as many bytes as they can in the process (an organic effect of data generation). Doing so provides a true measurement📏 (in terms of usage) of a juker's rating relative to their peer(s). (see ed)

/Starbureiy statistic

Truncated to "StarStat" or casually just "st@t", a Starbureiy statistic :== an efficiency* metric (ie. rating system) calculating a scoring average as the accumulated tally of ¢ents🪙 divided by number of tokens used to generate those funds [¢ents🪙/tokens].** The closer to 0, the better.

It finds utility as the determinant for the credit rating (+worthiness) of a stewcer, which is an ordering primarily accorded to their ability to make MONEY (ie. greater earnings→lower statistic→bigger spread). (see 8 Jersey, Starbureiy certification, ed, smb, +list)

/💰MONEY algorithm

procedure // make MONEY💰
1. begin stewc
2. when cap = yield
3. then your coupon collects a dividend(¢)😊
4. else { no fitness } improvise
5. or echo {juke again}😉

/¢ent formula🪙

/cache-credit idempotence

cci (see hypercurrency, hypocurrency, rotisserie, UUallet)

/BIG brane

As permutations of Egglepple, there are twenty-four (24) BIG branes that comprise its/their own class - the 2-brane through 25-brane. Technically, these branes are any branes other than the SMALL branes [(0,1)-branes], and themselves are permutable. (see MONEY, coverage)
