$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: major
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Showing posts with label major. Show all posts


loopstring➿, or l-string, :== a string of unstereotyped pencils✏️. Technically, l-string is a sesquilinear random coiling* of a 1-brane (which is) concatenated to and from specified reading frames (egg and epp), and subject to certain conditions (such as being gameplay-compliant).** As some measure of twistorspace.

The string may be open🔓 or closed🔒, but is closed by default (hence the term 'loop➰'). In fact, the main objective of each opus is to twist some variation of this object into a functionally unique fibor. (compare loop quantum gravity)
/// +In the context of the whole of string theory, the loopstring may colloquially be referred to as "toy string". We must be careful, however, to not confuse this "toy string" or its ludology (SL) with bosonic string theory (which is considered a "toy model" for which to introduce string theory education).
+I named it "loopstring" from 'loopy quanta' plus 'superstring', even though both terms are misnomers.

An argument can be made that l-string is a rudimentary automaton. It is hypothesized that all games are (or any game can be) based on and around some primitive manifestation of this object. Hence, when we want to study the ludology of any phenomenon, we could start with a drawn loopstring➿, and proceed from there. (see stew)


fibor :== an automaton that is a unique and totally twistable ||f(u,u)=0|| crypto mesh* (cluster) of links (L) which is subject to stewcing.** There are two (2) classes of fibor: MONEY and bubblegum. This is a tertiary (stereo) isoform of Egglepple.

Fibor^ is a functional component (dyadic fluctuator) of twist economics; hashed (from an algorithm of mathemusic) to output some image.^^ Each fibor is both its own structural formula and memory address. As part of the endgame🏁, we care mainly for the ludological aspect(s) of stewcing (topology, rhetoric, mechanics, etc.), as they relate to identification and function attribution. (see minor, major, fibor bundle, fibor mutation, stew, zero-bubble, walk, stewc tax)
/// +Mathematically, fibors are trivial zeroes (compared to stews which are non-trivial zeroes).
+Fibor is the 'print' (or vending) stage. This would be the total algorithm input assigned from stew choreography. Gameplay-wise, stewcers should aim to get here as quickly as possible.
+For purposes of imaging, the loopstring➿ may be a simple topological schematic, serving to illustrate some animation directive.
+Just to reiterate, our primary interests are not in figuring out the science (eg. chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) behind the folding (chemical bonding, dipole moments, things of this nature are left to such experts). We are chiefly concerned with "writing a playbook", so to speak, that will enable anyone to generate algorithms (plays) for configuring polymorphisms and coordinating meshes.
+We must be careful with our vocabulary. Yes, fibor is stringy, but it is not a requirement that it be physical, per se. It just necessarily assumes the properties (namely that it can vibrate in multiple dimensions) of strings as it propagates into worldspace. In this case, we are concerned strictly with string dynamics (incorporating the landscape vacua philosophy). However, fibor - in the mold of stew choreography - is open/closed in some arbitrary volume, whence it is attached to a dynamical mem(brane). Oddly, however, there exists a method to start with Planck data, and work our way up to normalization with g-folding.

Function map: minormajorfiborfibor bundle

/major scale

The major scale hosts* the secondary structure (STU encryption on primary structure) of Egglepple. Complexity: E ** In addition to residually defining the tertiary and quarternary structures. (see fibor, fibor bundle, meshroom🍄, lnq🧑🏿, groove, melody)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/fibor bundle

fibor bundle (a function of taxation and/or renormalization) :== two (2) or more fibors combined/connected, which itself forms another fibor. This is Egglepple's quaternary isoform. (see 💱swap, bubblegum, hyperlink, minor scale, major scale, coverage, foam)

Function map: minor scalemajor scalefiborfibor bundle


Mycol FunguyTo meshroom🍄 (v.) is to graph The Origamic Symphony🎶 within stewc field [Q♯↦s].

It dictates that, because Egglepple is (ludologically) a p-brane* connecting the vector scale extrema, the notion of cell space algebras being conflated epimorphically within a curvilinear framework is important for defining variation (groovemelody).** In this case, 'p' stands for (my) 'portfolio'.😇

Meshrooming🍄 advances genetic algorithms [: fold measured (partite) monomers in order to deduce a mesh] for twistors by considering (visualizing) them as embedded datapoints on a neural network [nn] (ie. flavorsequencemesh). (also of interest: loopstring➿, Pink Poem, identity)
TOS /// Compositing is hypothesized to be accomplished under a single preimage.
Function map: s → pm [...eventual self-synthesis]

/major groove

Function map: minor groove ... ↔ ... major groove

/BIG brane

As permutations of Egglepple, there are twenty-four (24) BIG branes that comprise its/their own class - the 2-brane through 25-brane. Technically, these branes are any branes other than the SMALL branes [(0,1)-branes], and themselves are permutable. (see MONEY, coverage)

/major chord

(see also minor chord)