$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: endgame
Showing posts with label endgame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endgame. Show all posts


Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
MONEY💰 (Mathemusically-Optimized* Normal Encrypted Yield) :== the cryptic resultant [hyper/hypo 1] from γ-proofing (some permutation of BIG branes).** Efficiency (ie. fitness) is determined by proximity to the handicap (||inf ≥ (u,u)=0||) relative to how many tokens are used.
/// This is a separate phylum (fungible) of cryptocurrency (cachecredit).

"You need BIG branes to make MONEY💰." - 🧑🏿lnq

Numismatically, MONEY💰 is fit fibor (strict tertiary structure) earned [reward] by stubing. After attaining a 0-bubble, the yield is the attribution of ¢ents🪙 drawn from that loopstring➿ arrangement. A fibril requirement is that the yield be less than or equal to the handicap (ie. commutativity) for MONEY💰 qualification. Otherwise, it is bubblegum [yield ≤ handicap, else bubblegum].^^^ However, fibor bundling can still objectively make MONEY💰 via improvisation. (see font, link, lyric, mesh, Juke Lemma, c@$#tag, common ¢ents🪙, quotient normalization, cryptosport, 💰MONEY algorithm)
UUe /// The total ¢ent🪙 amount is finite (per each opus), while the tabulation of jukers and their scores relative to an opus can never be greater than the available ¢ents🪙. This helps prevent double-spending.
Function map: sessionγ-proof¢ents🪙/link


mathemusical cent In stew choreography, a ¢ent🪙 :== quantum measure as the ratio* of two (2) (close) frequencies.** Mathemusically-speaking. For the ratio (a:b) to remain constant over the frequency spectrum, the frequency range encompassed by a ¢ent must be proportional to those frequencies. Scaled🎚, an equally tempered semitone spans 100 ¢ents (a dollar) by definition.

According to The Origamic Symphony🎶, an octave^ - the unit of frequency level when the base logarithm = [font size × font weight] - spans twenty-six (26) semitones (intervals/measures), and therefore, 2600 ¢ents.^^ The interval between the first and second harmonics of the harmonics series. Because raising a frequency by one (1) ¢ent is equivalent to multiplying this constant ¢ent value, and 2600 ¢ents doubles a frequency, the ratio of frequencies one ¢ent apart is calculated as the 2600th root of 2 (~ 1.00026663)!.!! pip = .00026663. (see ¢ent formula, crypto, fibor, stewc tax, MONEY, stew choreography, residue, u-u economics, link, 🌞funshine)
TOS /// Economically, the ¢ent (cachecredit) is the rudimentary u-u crypto object (used to measure/determine the size of twistorspace). Reward function-wise, ¢ents are transacted in the twist economy as the negotiable instrument [ie. purchase, pairing, etc.].
+Physically, ¢ents are the practical universal currency.


zero-bubble (also written as "0-bubble" or "0b_$") or "lock" :== a bubble shapeframe (stereogram*) with no inflatons (scalar fields responsible for blowup from a single point [0-brane]).** Greater than or equal to three (3) spatial dimensions.

A 0b is a type of homeomorphism [map reduction] as a totally twisted loop➰ (ie. integration in twistorspace down to one ¢ent🪙), and formally marks the end of a proof.🔲→🎯 (see goal, open string, identity, stew, crypto, MONEY)
/// The supposition for 'zero' (+/-) is that when tabulating the yield, all spots on the mesh which would allow for an opening, vanish (0,0).

Locks are the ideal [most secure🔐] ¢ent🪙 structures [signed certificates] for a closed🔒 string, as measured by absolute compliance to its handicap. Ludologically, they are part of the endgame [statistical inference to egg(+) or epp(-)]. Taken by themselves as 'flags'🏁, zero-bubbles (frictionless assets = spread(0)) are considered solved puzzles🧩 (ie. completely mapped/encrypted/melodic/folded) when it comes to stewcing. {input = output, /return = [0]}
Function map: open stringstew choreographylockfibor

/ballet 🩰

As our "dance* of the ball", ballet🩰 :== an improvisational program [opus] that synthesizes walk categories from random coil.~** In the Egglepple scenario, the 'dance' is stew choreography, and the band of dancers is yots. ~~ What I refer to as 'walking the string'.

Each ballet🩰 is a frame arrangement [lyrically, the bundling of two (2) or more fibors (either by encryption or decryption) into gameplay]. (see Starbureiy ballet, link, groove (scheme), opera, #opéra-ballet, #libretto)
/// We may consider ballet🩰 to be the transition from opening to endgame. I prefer to think of a ballet🩰 as an opera's lemma.
Function map: ballet🩰opera


bubblegum :== the name given to (a preimage of) fibor that is not optimal* (ie. false vacua).** Basically, not MONEY. It is/are (the class of) string combinations (yesegalo + groove/melody) whose fibril noncommutativity necessitate optimization (ornamenting of fugal themes).

We define bubblegum to be our "dilated vector space having everywhere-vanishing blowup points with boundary", and can easily determine it from being 'that which shares no equivalence relation with some assigned twistorspace (||inf > (u,u)=0|| OR ||sup < (u,u)=0||)'.

Bubblegum is used in encryption - as an improvisation method/tool to make MONEY - in hedging a given handicap [when bubblegum * (n) {n is finite number of pieces as ¢ents🪙} = handicap, then MONEY = yes], and thus, changing the tempo. (see 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, fibor bundle, swap, link. Compare protein quaternary structure)
/// +Bubblegum is probabilistically caused from half-integer statistics.
+'Bubblegum' is a metaphorically cohesive polymer, used to 'patch' things up so that MONEY can be made. Think of it (in a way) similar to bubblegum 'on the bottom of your shoe👟' that can be used to seal a leak, so to speak. (see spread)

Function map: bubblegumimproviseMONEY


fibor :== an automaton that is a unique and totally twistable ||f(u,u)=0|| crypto mesh* (cluster) of links (L) which is subject to stewcing.** There are two (2) classes of fibor: MONEY and bubblegum. This is a tertiary (stereo) isoform of Egglepple.

Fibor^ is a functional component (dyadic fluctuator) of twist economics; hashed (from an algorithm of mathemusic) to output some image.^^ Each fibor is both its own structural formula and memory address. As part of the endgame🏁, we care mainly for the ludological aspect(s) of stewcing (topology, rhetoric, mechanics, etc.), as they relate to identification and function attribution. (see minor, major, fibor bundle, fibor mutation, stew, zero-bubble, walk, stewc tax)
/// +Mathematically, fibors are trivial zeroes (compared to stews which are non-trivial zeroes).
+Fibor is the 'print' (or vending) stage. This would be the total algorithm input assigned from stew choreography. Gameplay-wise, stewcers should aim to get here as quickly as possible.
+For purposes of imaging, the loopstring➿ may be a simple topological schematic, serving to illustrate some animation directive.
+Just to reiterate, our primary interests are not in figuring out the science (eg. chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) behind the folding (chemical bonding, dipole moments, things of this nature are left to such experts). We are chiefly concerned with "writing a playbook", so to speak, that will enable anyone to generate algorithms (plays) for configuring polymorphisms and coordinating meshes.
+We must be careful with our vocabulary. Yes, fibor is stringy, but it is not a requirement that it be physical, per se. It just necessarily assumes the properties (namely that it can vibrate in multiple dimensions) of strings as it propagates into worldspace. In this case, we are concerned strictly with string dynamics (incorporating the landscape vacua philosophy). However, fibor - in the mold of stew choreography - is open/closed in some arbitrary volume, whence it is attached to a dynamical mem(brane). Oddly, however, there exists a method to start with Planck data, and work our way up to normalization with g-folding.

Function map: minormajorfiborfibor bundle


knot🪢 :== a closed string🔒 as a link with one (1) component. It can also be defined as a tangled string in Euclidean space (R3).

/fibor bundle

fibor bundle (a function of taxation and/or renormalization) :== two (2) or more fibors combined/connected, which itself forms another fibor. This is Egglepple's quaternary isoform. (see 💱swap, bubblegum, hyperlink, minor scale, major scale, coverage, foam)

Function map: minor scalemajor scalefiborfibor bundle

/movement (music)

(see play, fold)


An opus' handicap, or just cap, :== its projected yield, as measured in ¢ents🪙 (compounded to dollars). It is computed from the product of the actual fret (plus tax) multiplied by the maximum number of Q♯🎶 semitones* (cap = fret ⊗ 2,600), thereby completing the ¢ent🪙 formula.** One-hundred (100) ¢ents each.

This figure constitutes the extrema of the opus it represents (akin to how much twistorspace it occupies). The cap is a spread (security estimate) that places a quote on the calculation derived from the above equation. Bounded extrema (minima/maxima) would constitute a potential loss for the stewcer/gain for the house, which can be rectified with improvisation. [Handicap commutations (≡) are stews.] (see coupon, jukepot) Complexity: E
/// Losses here are absorbed by the jukebox; stewcers get no refund. But, improvisation (ie. fibor-bundling) can keep the game afloat.


In stewcing, improvisation :== the use of stew choreography to adjust^ a play and contort stewc field to force some zero-bubble (eg. tweak bubblegum with fibor bundling so that it fits a given handicap).^^ Recapitulate an aria.

This usually means that the stewcer will pursue a different walk with the intent of string closure🔒. Multiplier reliance is optional. Improvising requires both skill and strategy, and therefore, is not subject to chance.*** This is what differentiates stewcing from the likes of gambling. (see patch, γ-proof, RONALD)
/// Most stewcing activity is likely going to be improvisational because most fibor is subject to bundling. That speaks to the sheer volume of bubblegum in the system.

Stewcers, upon opening🔓 a token session (ie. coupon-building), may want to improvise for sake of ensuring maximum value on their deposit, or (more reasonably) to expedite gameplay/string closure🔒 via loop➰-erasure. The benefit of improvising is a straight flush💵 (tally of ¢ents🪙 accrued from proof-of-work within a session).


earl (from "encrypted algebraicly-rational leaf") is UUe's systolic array. It uses cellular automation to batch process ellis. This is the Pink program's cantata.

earl "mutates" based on the transposition (inclusion/exclusion) of cells on the circuit.

In the theme of simulacra, earl is cellular (cyto) so as to be continually re-purposed for stereotyping stews.

Notes (+): + In other words, represent the compute layer for EGP calculations.

+ 'Cellular automation' refers to the behavior of networked core processors designed as a systolic array.

+ earl complements ellis. This is the subject's sonata.