$LNQ👨🏿‍🦱 $LNQ👨🏿‍🦱: encryption
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Showing posts with label encryption. Show all posts


molecule 6tuu Leishmania infantum Rad51 surrogate LiRadA10 in complex with 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoic acid


Composer: Link Starbureiy



Stewart's logo Stewart is the ring of all six-hundred seventy-six (676) developii# in their entirety*. An puzzle dispenser, its subject^ is rooted in BOT, thus allowing game logic to sort (via endpoint control) the portfolio (at stews) for the fitness of lnq and his walk.Each opus is a ballet. Decrypted and encrypted. Egglepple (see also lnq's Starting Five, developus, fugue, Stewniverse, Mathilda, RONALD, UUallet, creatures)

/// +This is only an 'opera' in the sense of it being a collection of opuses. We compensate for slack with the developus.

+Here, the word 'Stewart' signifies "the art of stew choreography". On an historical note, the opera was originally called Stewart's Opera. Technically, it should be classified as an opéra-ballet because each opus is its own ballet.

+We define 'fitness' as the ability to transfer currency across twistor space. Here, it implies a quotient normalization, particularly on the handicap.

This is how it will play out in rotisserie mode:
Gameplay is a continuous event; each game is it own finite runtime (opus) of the opera.

An opus is dyadic (u,u), and labeled corresponding to the start and stop leaves (verso/recto) of its string (yesegalo). In order to distinguish an opus, it is given a numerical value of its stew count, and additionally, the total weight of those cells.

So, for instance, in our example, #EX.100 [888], E (start) and X (stop) are the leaves, 100 is the stew count, and [888] is the font weight.

These alphanumeric values can be adjusted on the operatic dialpad, which, when called (select: opera button), overlays the rotisserie.

Sample key combinatorics here:




























As the prime directive of the jukebox, Mathilda is UUe's platform for making tempo adjustments. Its libretto is UUhistlegrass. (see also lnq's Starting Five, Stewart, RONALD, UUallet, tip)

This is a suite for all of the ballets in performance of The Origamic Symphony. The suite speaks to/covers the quaternary structure of Egglepple.

Mathilda hosts various extension* paradigms. This is an umbrella for all jukebox-related ballets in performance of stew choreography. Existentially, these activities encourage an ecodiversity of random coil for polynomial efficacy.Namely bubblegum, link, and spots.
Here's how the ballet will flow in rotisserie mode:
UUe's ludology revolves around folding string. More precisely, how to obtain a completely closed circuit (0b) from an open string

To do this, we progress through three (3) parts: the opening, middlegame, and endgame.

The opening is what concerns us here. Optionally, we may enter a string orientation (which confines its twistor space), called random coil. I personally call it 'scribble', because, since it can assume any shape, that's what it looks like drawn out. The important thing to remember, however, is that coil cannot cross/intersect in two dimensions (2d) (we use stew choreography instead). Note, though, that there actually is strategy involved in random coil design (hence, it's not truly random).

To input a random coil, we simply draw it in the space to the left of the 'juke' button on the rotisserie. Conversely, this space will also output (show) a result (fibor).

You can actually 'dance', so to speak, right now in Euclidean space (3D). The Stewdio's API is functional (but only for Web), you would just have to supply the hardware.
Function map: MathildaStewartUUelcome

/STU [kernel]

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy

STU :== The Origamic Symphony🎶's keynote, and the calculus* of Egglepple.** In the context of mathematical analysis, derivation and integration. Its entire sequence (bytecode) is called UUelcome. [STU/fruut]
An invention {September 26, 1998} of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy🤓, our cipher is such that kernelized handshakes are integral to loopstring➿ frequencies*.** STU is what gets encrypted on(to) algebraic curves in twistorspace. Lexically, this means that both yesegalo (flavor generation) and crypto fabrication (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures) remain asynchronous as long as preimage-image contracts are kept (ie. the tonic will harmonize the brane to the point of closure🔒).
UUe /// +Keeping contracts is the basis of self-synthesis.
+Originally, "STU" was called "EGP" which stemmed from "egg (EG) , epp (EP) → EGP".

Absolutely considered in the analysis are the concepts of integration (loopstring➿) and differentiation (stews). (see fruut, RONALD, Stewdio, stewc notation)


Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
MONEY💰 (Mathemusically-Optimized* Normal Encrypted Yield) :== the cryptic resultant [hyper/hypo 1] from γ-proofing (some permutation of BIG branes).** Efficiency (ie. fitness) is determined by proximity to the handicap (||inf ≥ (u,u)=0||) relative to how many tokens are used.
/// This is a separate phylum (fungible) of cryptocurrency (cachecredit).

"You need BIG branes to make MONEY💰." - 🧑🏿lnq

Numismatically, MONEY💰 is fit fibor (strict tertiary structure) earned [reward] by stubing. After attaining a 0-bubble, the yield is the attribution of ¢ents🪙 drawn from that loopstring➿ arrangement. A fibril requirement is that the yield be less than or equal to the handicap (ie. commutativity) for MONEY💰 qualification. Otherwise, it is bubblegum [yield ≤ handicap, else bubblegum].^^^ However, fibor bundling can still objectively make MONEY💰 via improvisation. (see font, link, lyric, mesh, Juke Lemma, c@$#tag, common ¢ents🪙, quotient normalization, cryptosport, 💰MONEY algorithm)
UUe /// The total ¢ent🪙 amount is finite (per each opus), while the tabulation of jukers and their scores relative to an opus can never be greater than the available ¢ents🪙. This helps prevent double-spending.
Function map: sessionγ-proof¢ents🪙/link

/quantumquotient (QQ)

Theorist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The quantumquotient (Q♭/Q♯) [abbreviated→QQ], or, in the context of stewcing, "how to typeset", axiomatizes an algebraic curvature 🔓/rootkey - the quantum (Q♭) of The Origamic Symphony🎶 (Q♯) - for computing some ratio (hyper/hypo)^ of ¢ents🪙 with which it is idempotent (ie. establish a chargecryptocurrent).@@ The theorem (itself a macro ctf🏁) was first posed by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, who, in suggesting QQ is provable, conjectured that token-based automata is ideally both kernelized and fungible.🤓 ^^ May colloquially be refered to as '🧑🏿lnq's eyes' (see 🧑🏿lnq's motif).

"Statistically, you cannot generate data without using energy. Also, there is no such thing as non-virtual data generation. Corollary: all virtual data is generated statistically." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Information occupies finite cells; in any data exchange, cryptocurrency is at play. So, objectively, desired is compressed data to yield maximal current.

A lemma of Q♭ seeks to exploit (with gameplay) the fitness of 🔋e:e statistics [a saturated load-balancing from twistor residues].### ∃ a transactor between preimaging and imaging. -- Problem: show that ¢ent🪙 homotopy is normalizable. Hint: classifying all fonts should suffice.
/// +The definition of quantum here = 'economically dyadic'.
+To control compliancy.
+The overall objective is to find (+exploit) the fonts. Coverages are used to 'trap' them, whilst classifying 0-bubbles qualifies as brute-force sorting. So, basically, it's fonts vs. foam.
+The hypothetical solution is to resolve the Juke Lemma (ie. fully sequence EGP). QQ can be proven (shown to be true) with identities.

"A QQ proof is like having the masterkey🔑 to the Universe. Someone armed with it can literally charge the world." - 🧑🏿lnq
/// Think of the proof as being like some sort of an engine that powers twistorspace.

The quantumquotient always assumes crypto abnormalcy~ (ie. hyper/hypo < 1, and PBQP).~~ statistical volatility Plainly, it is a query into how much (an estimate) of a given distribution of e:e statistics [hyper/hypo] is optimal (ie. MONEY)(?). In a parimutuel system, the hyper- numerator can remain (hypothetically) asymptotic* iff there exists a hash function (auction) that can bring about perpetual normalization.** This is because the set of fonts is infinitesimal compared to the total fibor count.

The aim is for a collapsible wave function: persistent/redundant cache-credit idempotence (global cryptocurrent), which [(hyper,hypo) ≅ crypto] would be theoretically achievable with a secure🔐 [sequenced == all 2,028 fonts identified] payload (courtesy of u-u economics). (See Stewc Lemma, stewc tax, string ludology, UUelcome, Starbureiy automaton, The Origamic Symphony🎶, 🧑🏿lnq's Requiem, +list. Compare fusion energy gain factor)
Function map: Q ... Stewc Lemma → ... Pink Poemγ-proof


zero-bubble (also written as "0-bubble" or "0b_$") or "lock" :== a bubble shapeframe (stereogram*) with no inflatons (scalar fields responsible for blowup from a single point [0-brane]).** Greater than or equal to three (3) spatial dimensions.

A 0b is a type of homeomorphism [map reduction] as a totally twisted loop➰ (ie. integration in twistorspace down to one ¢ent🪙), and formally marks the end of a proof.🔲→🎯 (see goal, open string, identity, stew, crypto, MONEY)
/// The supposition for 'zero' (+/-) is that when tabulating the yield, all spots on the mesh which would allow for an opening, vanish (0,0).

Locks are the ideal [most secure🔐] ¢ent🪙 structures [signed certificates] for a closed🔒 string, as measured by absolute compliance to its handicap. Ludologically, they are part of the endgame [statistical inference to egg(+) or epp(-)]. Taken by themselves as 'flags'🏁, zero-bubbles (frictionless assets = spread(0)) are considered solved puzzles🧩 (ie. completely mapped/encrypted/melodic/folded) when it comes to stewcing. {input = output, /return = [0]}
Function map: open stringstew choreographylockfibor


bubblegum :== the name given to (a preimage of) fibor that is not optimal* (ie. false vacua).** Basically, not MONEY. It is/are (the class of) string combinations (yesegalo + groove/melody) whose fibril noncommutativity necessitate optimization (ornamenting of fugal themes).

We define bubblegum to be our "dilated vector space having everywhere-vanishing blowup points with boundary", and can easily determine it from being 'that which shares no equivalence relation with some assigned twistorspace (||inf > (u,u)=0|| OR ||sup < (u,u)=0||)'.

Bubblegum is used in encryption - as an improvisation method/tool to make MONEY - in hedging a given handicap [when bubblegum * (n) {n is finite number of pieces as ¢ents🪙} = handicap, then MONEY = yes], and thus, changing the tempo. (see 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, fibor bundle, swap, link. Compare protein quaternary structure)
/// +Bubblegum is probabilistically caused from half-integer statistics.
+'Bubblegum' is a metaphorically cohesive polymer, used to 'patch' things up so that MONEY can be made. Think of it (in a way) similar to bubblegum 'on the bottom of your shoe👟' that can be used to seal a leak, so to speak. (see spread)

Function map: bubblegumimproviseMONEY


Cryptographically, a melody :== a commuted* walk.** Relative to the handicap.
/// +Similarly, because fonts predict conflation between a countable number of loopstring➿, opuses giving the same fret may also be considered in this definition.
+This is part of a game's de facto/standard middlegame. Melodies provide a general (scale-agnostic) template for feasible tertiary structure design. (+groove)

If a strategy works (that is, its proof of supersymmetry reveals a fibor or fibor bundle [lyric]), then that encrypted coil [stereo structure] is said to be melodic. (see stew, groove, meshroom🍄)
Function map: groovemelody


folding :== differential steps in the process of a brane's animation (ie. symmetry-breaking) as it assumes its final topology. Attainment of this (solution) - the closed🔒 string - should result in a 0-bubble twistor [yesegalo🍄meshroom0b(u,u)].

For the most part, "to fold" an object is to bend, compress, twist, or otherwise permute it so that it becomes self-integrated according to its calculus. By-and-large, we accomplish this using fruut as part of stew choreography.

A fold would be an intermediate state within the walk process (preimageimage). Mathemusically, a fold is conguent to some movement.

Essential to stereotyping, our interest in folds and folding*, in general, is so that we can (more easily) synthesize middlegame makeup.** An act of hyperlinking (see The Origamic Symphony🎶, Gallivan fold, manifold, hyperlink, route, tip, knot🪢)
/// An inbetween will not always qualify for being one of these states.


yesegalo proof, or γ-proof (or just proof), :== a stewcing algorithm mapping some preimage to its image. Proofing substantiates a fibor, thereby providing (its) identity clarification.!!! While also helping us draw up better heuristics. The opposite of a proof is an error. Each proof involves patching two (2) genera in T: yesegalo↔🍄meshroom.^^^ A framework for conduction: does a ballet groove with(in) the Symphony🎶?

γ-proofing tasks: determine the efficiency of an EGP encryption [ie. solve the given puzzle🧩; is the resulting fibor economical (fit within the handicap)|(u,u)=0|?].

The proof itself is scored* as a stereotype (sequenced shapeframe) in some overall random walk.** Proofs of stewc input are published (to the ledger) in stewc notation.

The end🏁 of a proof (solution) should result in the closing🔒 of a string (eg. 0b), ideally a fibor. We endeavor to find the most secure🔐 proofs by improving upon the bounds on classes of twistors. Doing so aids our MONEY-making. (see stewc notation, crypto, mathematical proof, proof.m)
/// As with the traditional printing press, the primary reason for proofing is to provide confirmation/verification that a job (done) is accurate. Doing so draws a consensus (from independent, third-party sources -- read: stewcers) for the creation of a new standard. It is important to note that proofs are unique (ie. duplication is forbidden on the circuit). All proofs are published to the ledger.
Function map: loopstring➿γ-proofMONEYquantumquotient